Are candy bars gluten-free?
Before you bite into a sweet candy bar while on a gluten-free diet, it’s natural your thought process leads you to this question.
Well, the answer is not straightforward, but most candy bars are gluten-free. Why is that? That’s what you will find out in this article.
What are Candy bars?
Candy bars are sweet treats shaped in the form of a bar. Candy bars can be solid or a combination of both, with solid outer layers and fillings or nougat.
The most common solid candy bars are chocolate bars. Meanwhile, the combination candy bars can have chocolate outer layers with fillings of caramel, biscuit nougat, nuts, fruits, or a mix of all.
This mix of ingredients makes the candy bars delicious and different from regular candies. Furthermore, most candy bars come with a chocolate (milk or dark chocolate) coating, which makes the treat irresistible.
Are candy bars gluten-free?
There is no straightforward answer to this because there are different brands, flavors, and product qualities of candies. Therefore, some candy bars can have gluten, while some may not have gluten.
Gluten is a protein you will find in some grains such as wheat, barley, spelt, and rye. It is a naturally occurring nutrient, but it can be extracted to add texture and flavor to meals.
Candies made with these grain extracts will certainly have gluten in them. Consequently, you can have nougats in candy bars that have gluten because they are made from grain with gluten.
To be sure your candy bars do not have gluten, read the label for ingredients before buying or eating any candy bar, especially if you have celiac disease.
Are chocolate candy bars gluten-free?
Yes, they are. Pure chocolate candy bars do not have gluten in them. Therefore, they are gluten-free.
However, because they may contain additives, chocolate candy bars may have gluten extracts. Therefore, you should always read the ingredient list before eating any chocolate candy bars.
Are caramel candy bars gluten-free?
Yes, they are. Caramel candies are made of water, vanilla, milk, sugar, and salt. They should contain gluten because they are not made from gluten grains.
However, the other ingredients in the candy bars may contain a form of gluten. Nevertheless, this does not stop you from enjoying caramel candy bars.
All you have to do is check the ingredient list for gluten ingredients if the brand does not explicitly say it is gluten-free.
Are granola candy bars gluten-free?
While granola bars do not exactly fall under the candy category, they still contain sugar, milk, and chocolate. However, some granola bars have gluten in them, while some do not.
The major ingredient in granola bars is oats. Oats do not contain gluten. Nonetheless, the ingredient may come in contact with gluten grains during processing or mixing, therefore leading to cross-contamination.
Furthermore, some granola bars do have wheat as an energy-giving nutrient as part of their ingredient (mostly mixed with oats).
When these happen, a granola bar may not be the best option if you are gluten intolerant.
Are candy bars gluten-free and dairy-free?
You can have gluten- and dairy-free candy bars; however, this is rare.
While the candy bar may not contain gluten-free ingredients, it may contain milk or milk extract. Furthermore, chocolate and caramel flavors have milk in them; therefore, they are not dairy-free.
Gluten-free candy bars you should try
The following popular candy bars are labeled gluten-free and safe to eat.
1. Hershey’s Candy
Made with mostly milk chocolate, this candy bar is delicious and free of gluten. It contains ingredients like cocoa, milk, nuts, cream, butter, and caramel. You can try this brand of candy bars if you are on a gluten-free diet.
2. Snickers
Snicker candy is a gluten-free candy containing chocolate, caramel, nuts, milk, corn syrup, and others. Although this candy bar does not have a certified label, it is gluten-free.
3. No Whey Chocolate
Yes, this chocolate is gluten-free. It contains chocolate, sugar, and milk powder. However, it is not dairy-free.
4. 3 Musketeers
3 Musketeers is also gluten-free. The ingredients include milk chocolate, corn syrup, palm oil cocoa powder, and other ingredients. However, it is not dairy-free.
5. Cadbury
The candy bar is also gluten-free and safe to eat. All Cadbury chocolate bars are free to eat for people with celiac disease.
6. Rolo
Rolos, also produced by Hershey’s Company is also considered gluten-free. However, Rolos Mini is not gluten-free. One of the ingredients, glucose syrup is from wheat, which contains gluten. Nonetheless, Rolo’s chocolate is gluten-free and safe to eat.
7. Butterfinger Bar
Butterfinger Bars are gluten-free. However, only the original bar is gluten-free. Avoid flavors like Jingles, Medallions, Giant Bar, Crisp, or Pumpkins. They contain a form of gluten in them.
8. Mary Jane
These mini candy bars are gluten-free, vegan, and safe to eat. The taffy treat provides the needed sweet treat for candy lovers.
9. Enjoy Life Candy Bar
This candy does not contain gluten, dairy, nuts, soy, and eggs. This chocolate candy provides a good alternative for people who are on vegan, dairy-free, and gluten-free diets.
Why do you need gluten-free candy bars in your diet?
You don’t have to give up candy bars because of your gluten intolerance. With gluten-free candy bars, you won’t only be snacking on tasty candies, but you’ll also be snacking safe and healthy.
Are there side effects of gluten-free candy bars?
There are no side effects of eating gluten-free candy bars except the natural stomach upset that comes from overeating candies.
Furthermore, some candies have high calories and sugar, which may be bad for you if you have diabetes or trying to lose weight.
Are there gluten-free and dairy-free candy bars?
Yes, it is possible to have both gluten-free and dairy-free candy bars. However, this is rare. Some of such include Airheads, Skittles, Sour Patch Kids, Twizzlers, and Dots.
Nonetheless, it is hard to find candy bars that do not have dairy. They may be gluten-free, but they may not be completely dairy-free.
Can you swap granola bars for candy bars?
Yes, you can. You can swap granola bars for candy bars if you want a healthier diet. However, some granola bars have gluten-containing ingredients. Consequently, seek out granola bars that do not have gluten.
Can you eat gluten-free candy bars even if you are not sensitive to gluten?
It is safe to stick to only gluten-free candies, even if you do not have celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity.
Gluten-free candies are much healthier than gluten candies. Nonetheless, your preference matters more.
Gluten-free candy bars are not hard to find. Most candies are already free of the bloating agent. Nonetheless, if you are looking for a gluten-free candy bar, look for any of the candies listed in the article.
Moreover, it’s best to stick to these candies because they are much healthier for gluten sensitivity.
What else is gluten-free and safe for your gluten intolerance? Check out this list of healthy gluten-free foods you should be eating.
Thanks for reading.