6 Perfect Ingredients To Reduce Liquid In Tomato Sauce

If you often find it hard to reduce the water content of your tomato sauce, you should read this article.

This article provides you with workable options you can use to thicken your tomato sauce, reduce its liquid, and make it tastier.

Can you reduce the liquid in tomato sauce?

You can reduce the liquid level of your sauce by simmering or fully boiling it without the lid. With the lid on, the steam that should escape condenses and increases the water content in the sauce.

Despite being a simple method, this will only be effective if the tomato sauce is slightly watery. This method will not be effective if the sauce is very watery.

You can use any of these thickening options if your tomato sauce is too thin.

1. All-purpose flour

thickening flour  to reduce tomato sauce- millenora

The most widely used sauce thickener is flour. Different types of flour are readily available at your neighborhood grocery store.

If your sauce is too thin, mix equal amounts of flour and water to make a paste or combine equal parts of flour and softened butter.

These thickeners are often used to thicken creamy, rich sauces like tomato sauce. As a rule of thumb, two tablespoons of flour should be used for every cup of liquid.

2. Gluten-free flour

gluten-free flour to thicken tomato sauce - millenora

If you need a gluten-free, mix arrowroot powder with cornstarch or a cornstarch substitute.

Gluten-free flour is a great choice for people with gluten allergies and those on a vegan diet. Mix equal parts of water and gluten-free flour to make a thick paste.

However, because it tends to become slimy, arrowroot powder shouldn’t be used in dairy-based sauces.

3. Egg yolk

egg yolk to reduce tomato sauce - millenora

The yolks from eggs are good thickeners. If you’ve never used it before, here’s how to.

Put a little of the watery sauce in a clean bowl and mix it with egg yolk. Then, whisk the sauce together and allow it to continue cooking on low heat.

Cooking it again on low heat helps to prevent the yolk from curdling in the sauce.

4. Pureed or mashed vegetables

pureed vegetables - millenora

You can also sautee the sauce with pureed or mashed veggies to thicken it. Puree the vegetables with an immersion blender.

If you don’t have an immersion blender, cook and mash the vegetables and add the paste to the sauce. However, keep in mind that the flavor of the vegetables can alter the taste of the sauce.

5. Flakes of instant potato

instant potato flakes - millenora

The use of instant potato flakes as a thickener is a worthwhile modification to adding pureed and mashed starches.

These flakes naturally complement the flavor profile of the sauce. It is always a good choice for creamy sauces. Stir in the potato flakes slowly until the sauce becomes thick.

6. Butter

block of butter - millenora

Adding a little bit of butter to your sauce will help it thicken and give it a beautiful leathery texture.

As with most of these suggestions, start small and let your taste buds be your guide. If you are preparing a large pot of sauce, rather than adding an entire stick at once, add the butter gradually.

How do you reduce tomato sauce acidity?

If your tomato sauce is too acidic and almost bitter, try using baking soda instead of sugar.

Even though adding sugar might enhance the flavor of the sauce, the alkaline qualities of baking soda will help counteract the dish’s acidity.

It’s advisable to add a tiny bit of baking soda, which will increase the pH and lower the acidity of an excessively tart sauce.

How do you reduce sweetness in tomato sauce?

To lessen the sweetness of the sauce, add a teaspoon (at a time) of vinegar or lemon juice while the sauce is heating.

Sometimes, the tomato flavor in your sauce can be too strong. Add cooked mushrooms to a tomato sauce to soften its flavor.

How do you reduce spice in tomato sauce?

You can use cheese to reduce the spice in your sauce. A spicy sauce can also benefit from the addition of something sweet to reduce the heat.

You can also use a light dusting of honey or sugar, some sweet ketchup, or coconut milk to reduce the spice in your tomato sauce.

How long does it take to reduce the liquid in a tomato sauce?

It takes about 10 to 15 minutes to reduce the water level of a tomato sauce. You can also refrigerate or freeze the leftovers to reduce the water content.


How to reduce salt in tomato sauce?

Vinegar and lemon juice are great kitchen ingredients to reduce the saltiness in tomato sauce.

You can also add more fat such as butter or olive oil to reduce the saltiness.

Is tomato sauce healthy?

Tomato sauce is as healthy as you make it. Naturally, it is low in calories and high in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

These nutrients help to improve heart health, digestive health, and gut health. The vitamins and minerals help to enhance bone health.

However, tomato sauce tends to be high in sodium, especially canned tomato sauce. So, you should consume it in moderation.

Can you eat tomato sauce daily?

No, you shouldn’t. Canned tomato sauce contains a significant amount of sugar and preservatives, which may increase body fat when consumed in excess.

It is also high in sodium. One serving of tomato sauce contains 160mg of sodium. With the RDA of sodium at 920mg, this amount of sodium could be toxic if you eat more than one serving of tomato sauce every day.


If you accidentally add too much liquid to your tomato sauce, do not fret or throw it away. You can thicken your sauce with any of the simple home ingredients listed in the article.

However, when reducing the liquid in your tomato sauce, try not to thicken it too much. Use the right amount of thickener and also keep an eye on the taste and flavor.

Thanks for reading.

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