Is Nutella Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, And Vegan?

Nutella is probably everyone’s favorite spread; it’s almost inconceivable that anyone would stay off this spread. Wonderfully, even if you’re on a gluten-free diet, you can safely eat Nutella.

Being on a gluten-free diet doesn’t have to take all the fun out of your diet. Gluten is a protein present in wheat, rye, and barley. This protein is responsible for the definite structure and elasticity of confections.

However, gluten is a problem or the beginning of a problem for some people. If you’re on a gluten-free diet, you’ll be interested in the information below.

What is Nutella?

Nutella is a chocolate spread made from hazelnut and cocoa. The sweetened spread is widely eaten across countries during breakfast and desserts.

Alongside cocoa and hazelnuts, Nutella contains palm oil, sugar, skimmed milk powder, soy lecithin, and vanillin. Over the years, Nutella has successfully replaced people’s love for other nut butter and sugar.

Additionally, Nutella makes a good spread for pancakes, bread, toast, and sandwiches. Also, some people would rather eat Nutella cold from the jar.

Is Nutella gluten-free?

Nutella is gluten-free; the ingredients list does not include wheat, rye, and barley.

Although there is no official claim that Nutella is gluten-free, the ingredients list provides information on its gluten status.

Therefore, people with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) can safely have Nutella during breakfast, desserts, or something to snack on.

Is Nutella gluten-free and dairy-free?

Nutella is gluten-free but not dairy-free.

On the ingredients list is skimmed milk powder. In essence, if you are staying off dairy, you should also stay off Nutella.

Is Nutella gluten-free and vegan?

Nutella is not completely vegan because it contains skimmed milk powder, an ingredient gotten from animals.

However, if you want vegan Nutella, you can look up the recipe and try it out.

Is Nutella gluten-free and lactose-free?

Nutella is gluten-free but it is not lactose-free.

Skimmed milk contains lactose, and this makes Nutella, as a whole, unfit for people with lactose intolerance.

Why do you need Nutella in your diet?

Nutella is a great source of fiber. This fiber is very beneficial to the body as it helps to control blood cholesterol levels.

Eating Nutella in moderate amounts may help reduce your risk of getting cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, the chocolate spread contains some compounds called tryptophan and phenylethylamine. These compounds are responsible for increasing elation and excitement levels.

Therefore, Nutella can help fix depression and anxiety by stimulating hormones that trigger happiness.

Are there side effects of eating gluten-free Nutella?

Nutella is not entirely considered a healthy snack or spread, especially for everyday consumption.

This chocolate spread contains a very high sugar content which confers its sweetness. Excess intake of sugar can predispose a person to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

In addition, Nutella contains a lot of calories and fats. As a very sweet spread, it’s almost difficult to stop at one to two tablespoons of Nutella. However, this increases calorie consumption and results in excessive weight gain.

Homemade Nutella recipe

You can try out this homemade Nutella recipe in your spare time. This quantity can serve as a spread for about 12-15 people.


  • 16 ounces of hazelnuts
  • 2 cups of granulated sugar
  • ½ cup of chocolate or chocolate chips
  • ½ cup of unsweetened cocoa powder
  • ¼ coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla
  • ½ tablespoon of salt


  • Roast the hazelnuts in a preheated oven of 350°F for 10-15 minutes
  • Roast the nuts until they are light brown and fragrant. Make sure you shake the pan halfway through roasting so that all the nuts roast well
  • Then, allow the nuts to a little before you peel off their skins
  • Transfer the nuts to a paper towel and hold the towel into a sac-like form. Rub the nuts against each other to remove the skin
  • This method may not remove the skin on the nuts completely but it’s enough to take away the bitter and astringent taste the papery brown skin has
  • Afterward, pour the nuts into a food processor and blend until you have a fine powder
  • Blend again until it begins to form a smooth paste
  • Thereafter, add the sugar, vanilla, and cocoa powder and blend for another three minutes
  • Slowly pour in the coconut oil while the processor is running
  • Make sure you have a smooth paste by now
  • Then, add the salt and chocolate chips. Allow the processor to run for a few more minutes so that everything mixes well and comes together
  • There, you have your homemade Nutella
  • Finally, transfer the spread into glass jars and store it at room temperature. Make sure you consume it within one month
  • Use Nutella as a spread for bread, fillings for crepes, ice-cream toppings, and cupcakes frostings


Does hazelnut contain gluten?

Hazelnut is gluten-free. Therefore, it is safe for celiacs and people with non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS).

Is Nutella kosher?

Yes, Nutella is kosher.

It is certified by the National Independent Halaal Trust (NIHT) to conform to the regulations of the Jewish dietary law.

Does Nutella contain peanuts?

No, it doesn’t.

The only nuts in Nutella are hazelnuts. Nutella doesn’t contain peanuts or any peanut-based ingredients.


Nutella is gluten-free. This is one almost irresistible spread and it makes it quite impossible to follow a dietary recommended intake.

However, while you satisfy your sweet tooth or eat it for breakfast or as a dessert spread, remember that Nutella has high amounts of sugar, fats, and calories.

Therefore, eating it in excess can affect your health over time. It is also important to know that you’ll need to stay off Nutella if you’re on a gluten-free diet and have other conditions like dairy allergies or lactose intolerance.

Thanks for reading.

Visit Millenora for related articles that guide you through a gluten-free diet.