Should Alcohol Be A Part Of Your Gluten-Free Diet?

To a large extent, alcohol is gluten-free, although this is only common to liquors like distilled vodka, gin, whiskey, bourbon, rum, and tequila. Wine, mead, and most hard ciders are also gluten-free.

Distilled liquor made from wheat, barley, and rye is also considered gluten-free due to how they are processed.

Gluten comes from glutenin and gliadin, which are proteins found in wheat, rye, Kamut, spelled, durum, and barley.

Gluten is sticky and holds these grains together. Even if you remove the “glue” (the gluten), the grain will still be whole.

What is gluten-free alcohol?

Gluten-free alcohol is a liquor that doesn’t contain gluten. This is a liquor that celiac disease carriers and people on a gluten-free diet can take whenever.

Tequila, absinthe, whiskey, brandy, vodka, bourbon, cognac, vermouth, gin, liqueur, mezcal, rum, and scotch are some gluten-free alcohols that have undergone distillation and do not contain gluten.

What alcohol is not gluten-free?

Most alcohols are gluten-free except beer and other malted beverages like a stout, ale, etc. This is mainly because they are derived from stock such as barley, which possesses gluten.

What kind of alcohol is gluten-free?

Gluten-free alcoholic beverages include vodka, rum, tequila, whiskey, brandy, vermouth, gin, and champagne.

You can also find gluten-free beers and wines. These drinks are becoming more popular as people with gluten intolerance seek out alternatives to mainstream alcohol.

Which alcohol has the least amount of gluten?

The two most popular gluten-free alcohols are wine and brandy. However, you should also check the details of the ingredients to know if any additives may be gluten-induced.

To avoid any complications, it would be best for you to stick with plain wine and hard cider which in most cases is gluten-free. Also, ensure you pick any of these alcohols that clearly state they are gluten-free.

Is all alcohol gluten-free?

Alcoholic beverages do not contain gluten. Alcoholic beverages are regulated by either the Food and Drug Administration or the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. Most wines do not contain wheat, barley, or rye.

Sparkling wine like champagne and prosecco is naturally gluten-free. You can drink it with abandon on a gluten-free diet since it’s made from grapes and grape juice, and no flavorings or additives were added to it.

However, most wines contain a low amount of gluten. In the UK and North America, it is a legal requirement for food to be labeled gluten-free. Wine is generally safe on a gluten-free diet.

Are there gluten-free beers you can drink?

Yes, there are brands of beer that are made with gluten-free grains, such as sorghum, buckwheat, or rice. These will have a “gluten-free label” on them and will be safe for a gluten-free diet.

There are also “gluten-removed” beers on the market that are made with gluten-containing grains.

These beers get treated with an enzyme to break down the gluten and reduce the gluten quantity in the beer to be lower than 20 ppm, as required by the FDA to be considered gluten-free.

Is tequila gluten-free?

Yes, it is. Every distilled tequila, made with the blue agave plant, is deemed gluten-free.  Even if tequila contains ingredients other than agave, it should be safe for those with celiac disease since most tequilas are mixto.

Is gin gluten-free?

Most gins are usually made from distilled barley, wheat, or rye. Although gluten is naturally found in these ingredients, most gins are gluten-free.

Is whiskey gluten-free?

A health organization, Beyond Celiac, has endorsed whiskey as a safe alcohol for people following a gluten-free diet even though it contains rye, barley, and wheat.

Due to the distillation process, whiskey does not contain gluten and can be enjoyed on a gluten-free diet.

Even though whiskey is considered gluten-free, some people have had gluten reactions to this drink. People who are just getting into drinking whiskey should start slow and make sure to take note of brands in case they do react.


Does vodka have gluten?

Vodka, despite being made from gluten-containing grains, is gluten-free. This is because the refining procedure removes the gluten entirely.

However, if you are enjoying flavored vodka, you should check the ingredients to see if there are any gluten-containing ingredients added.

Scientific American reports that all vodka is gluten-free unless there is some flavored vodka out there where someone adds a gluten-containing ingredient.

Brands like Absolut are made from wheat, Belvedere is made from rye, Grey Goose is made from wheat, Ketel One is made from wheat, Smirnoff is made from wheat, and Svedka is made from wheat.

These grains all have gluten; however, the vodka comes out gluten-free after distillation.

Is grain alcohol gluten-free?

Yes, it is. Distillation removes proteins, including gluten, from the liquor. Because it has been distilled and some of the stocks used do not have gluten in them you will get a gluten-free liquor.

Is distilled alcohol gluten-free?

Many liquors and spirits, even those made from wheat, barley, or rye, are regarded as safe for people with celiac disease because of the extraction process.

However, you should be on the lookout for hidden gluten in other flavorings that are added after the distillation process.


You don’t have to stay off alcohol just because of your gluten sensitivity. There are gluten-free brands of alcohol that cut across different varieties. Before buying any alcohol, ensure you check the label for gluten ingredients.

Most importantly, drink with caution.

Thank you for reading.

If you enjoyed reading this article, you should also take a look at this list of gluten-free beers.