Medium Rare Chicken: Taste, Texture, Benefits And Risks

Medium-rare steak is common but medium-rare chicken? Well, I recently learned that it is indeed a thing.

When meat cooks to medium rare, it is warm, and pink on the insides but firm enough to bite. Medium rare meat borders between rare and medium levels of doneness.

Not many people like to eat medium rare meat but some people will tell you that is the best way to get the most out of your meat flavors, as long as you are cooking high-quality meat. Several restaurants serve the steak but not many offer the chicken variety.

In this article, I’ll talk about medium rare chicken, what it tastes like, and how to cook it.

What is medium-rare chicken?

medium rare chicken - millenora

This chicken is slightly undercooked but tender enough to bite into. The chicken is pink on the inside but firm on the outside.

The meal is ready in a very short period; a little longer than the time it takes to cook rare chicken but it does not cook for as long as medium chicken.

This chicken is served in some restaurants on special request. Although it is not a healthy choice for chicken doneness, it may be safe to eat if it is made with fresh, high-quality chicken.

The birds must have been raised humanely and well-fed. The chicken must also have been slaughtered and butchered under hygienic conditions.

What does medium-rare chicken taste like?

Mediumrare chicken is very tender and easy to chewy. It also has a rich chickeny flavor that is a lot better than the flavor of undercooked chicken.

What temperature is medium-rare chicken?

Medium-rare chicken is cooked to an internal temperature of 145°F (63°C). To check for this, poke the chicken with a meat thermometer and read the temperature.

Is it healthy to eat medium-rare chicken?

Medium-rare chicken can be healthy if you put adequate measures in place.

Chickens are smaller than cattle, because of this they are at a greater risk of having a higher pathogen distribution. These pathogens can be distributed on every part of the chicken and can lead to salmonella poisoning.

However, if you eat this chicken meal from restaurants that take extra care to make healthy meals, you can rest assured that your meal will be healthy. Also, if you get fresh, high-quality chicken meat, it is safe to eat.

How to cook medium-rare chicken

This chicken can be cooked using different cooking methods. What makes your chicken medium rare is the level of doneness – the internal temperature, texture, and flavor.

Risks of eating medium-rare chicken

The major risk associated with eating undercooked chicken is its impact on your health. This chicken still contains bacteria which can only be eradicated by high temperatures and prolonged cooking.

Medium-rare does not allow you to cook meats at high temperatures and for long periods. As a result, the meat will retain these unhealthy bacteria.

Furthermore, these bacteria produce toxins that are harmful to the health and can cause serious illnesses, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), acute dehydration, infectious arthritis, weakness and pain in the muscles, and coordination problems.

How long you cook your chicken could also pose a risk to your health. If your chicken is rather raw, it could lead to salmonella poisoning.

In addition, the type of chicken you cook can also be a predetermining factor. Organic chickens are more likely to contain more bacteria than other types of chicken. Also, the older the chicken, the higher the level of bacterial contamination.

Overall, it is not advisable to eat undercooked chicken. Stay safe and healthy by thoroughly cooking your chicken. Another important thing to do is to handle your chicken properly to prevent contamination.

How to prevent contamination

  • Always buy fresh chicken
  • When buying chicken from stores, ensure that you check the seal and return any pack with a broken seal
  • Also, put the fresh chicken in a separate disposable bag before putting it in your cart
  • Ensure you keep your fresh chicken wrapped in a plastic bag before putting it in the refrigerator
  • Keep fresh chicken far from other food items that can contaminate it
  • It is better to not wash the raw chicken before preparing it. Water makes the bacteria spread faster
  • It will also help if you have a separate chopping board for chicken
  • Always clean any surface and utensils you use in preparing chicken
  • Most importantly, always wash your hands before and after handling raw chicken

What is the difference between medium-rare chicken and medium-rare steak?

Chicken and steak are cooked to about the same temperature, but the steak dish is more of a thing than the chicken counterpart.

Medium-rare steak is healthier than medium-rare chicken. It is less likely to contain as many pathogens as are present in medium-rare chicken. This is because the pathogen distribution in poultry is higher than the pathogen distribution in cattle.

Chickens host these pathogens across different parts of their bodies while cattle have them only in their intestinal tract. Chances of pathogen contamination in cattle are through cross-contamination during slaughtering and butchering.

In addition, the steak is more of a meal than the chicken variety.


What country eats medium-rare chicken?

Medium-rare chicken is an actual meal in Japan, where it is called chicken tataki. The chicken is seared over hot coals to kill salmonella and cook it a little bit.

What is the right temperature for cooking chicken?

The right internal temperature for cooking chicken is 165°F (75°C). This temperature applies to all methods of cooking all cuts of chicken. The cooking duration will vary with chicken cuts, thickness, size, and cooking method.

Is the pink liquid in chicken blood?

No, it is not. The pink liquid in chicken is not blood. It is the water the chicken absorbed while it was chilling. If you are sure you cooked your chicken to the right internal temperature, it is safe to eat then.


Medium-rare chicken is a thing, but it is not advisable. Cooks in parts of the world where this chicken meal is common are also reconsidering its health benefits and consequences.

If you will eat this chicken meal, it is best that you eat it from a restaurant you are sure puts adequate measures to prevent cross-contamination.

Unlike cattle, pathogen distribution is higher in chicken and different parts can be cross-contaminated. Consequently, you could be at risk of salmonella poisoning.

Finally, if you are an unrepentant chicken lover, I recommend that you find out if you should be eating chicken every day.

Thanks for reading.