Is Almond Milk Good For Gastritis? [A Gastritis Care Guide]

If you find natural almond milk, you may just have found a good balm for gastritis. While you want to feed your stomach to quench hunger, what you ingest plays a huge role in the health of your digestive system.

Stomach conditions like gastritis, stomach ulcers, and acid reflux are affected by your diet. These conditions cause inflammation in the stomach lining and may also affect other organs in the digestive system.

The focus of this article is gastritis and the effect of tree nut milk – almond milk – on the symptoms. This article also covers other ways to manage gastritis – what to eat and what not to eat – and the benefits of adding almond milk to your diet.

What is almond milk?

Almond milk is a vegan, tree nut, lactose-free milk that contains essential nutrients that the body needs.

Almond milk is made from almonds, water, and sugar. It may contain additives like emulsifiers and thickeners if it is commercial almond milk.

In addition, almond milk is watery milk that looks a lot like cow’s milk but with a nutty flavor instead. It is low in calories, delicious, and a better milk alternative for people with a dairy allergy and lactose intolerance.

What is gastritis?

Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining caused by bacterial infection, bile reflux, excessive vomiting, stress, alcohol consumption, or anti-inflammatory medications.

Moreover, diseases like Crohn’s disease can predispose one to gastritis. Some of the symptoms of gastritis include a burning sensation or pain around the upper abdomen after eating, nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating, and indigestion.

If left unattended, mild gastritis can become acute gastritis which is severe, chronic, and long-term. Gastritis is also a risk factor for hemorrhage and severe stomach cancer.

Is almond milk good for gastritis?

Yes, it is.

People who have gastritis are strongly cautioned against drinking milk. This is because milk is an acid-forming product and can contribute to stomach acid. However, this is not the case with almond milk.

Almond milk is alkaline and will not trigger gastritis symptoms if you drink it in measured portions. In addition, it contains a large amount of vitamin E, which can help soothe the inflammation of the stomach lining.  

What are the benefits of drinking almond milk for gastritis?

It is lactose-free

Almond milk is lactose-free and perfect for people with lactose intolerance. Lactose can aggravate digestive problems, and gastritis causes indigestion.

Moreover, as lactose-free milk, almond milk will greatly lessen the symptoms of gastritis by aiding digestion in people with lactose intolerance.

Almond milk contains dietary fiber

Almond milk is rich in soluble and insoluble fiber, which is great for gastritis. It can help prevent the symptoms from worsening.

In addition, the high fiber content helps to regulate sugar absorption, and sugar is not a friend of gastritis.

Almond milk is anti-inflammatory

Contrary to what some people think, almond milk is not inflammatory. But it may cause you inflammation if you have a tree nut allergy.

Otherwise, it is just the balm you need to soothe the burning sensation and pain of gastritis.

Are there side effects of drinking almond milk for gastritis?

Commercial almond milk may worsen gastritis

Commercial almond milk contains additives like carrageenan, vitamin D2, vitamin A palmitate, and a lot of sugar.

These ingredients enhance the taste and quality of almond milk, but they will also aggravate gastritis.

Too much almond milk is bad for gastritis

Without gastritis, too much consumption of almond milk will cause diarrhea because of carrageenan. On the other hand, drinking too much almond milk will worsen gastritis symptoms and put the sufferer in pain.

However, this side effect is manageable if you limit the amount of almond milk you drink per day.

What should you eat with gastritis?

  • Foods with a low glycemic index like whole grain bread, whole grain pasta, leafy greens, fruits
  • Low-sugar fruits like apples, strawberries, and blueberries
  • Rice
  • Low-salt cheese
  • Foods that are rich in fiber
  • Foods like chicken, beans, and fish that contain lean proteins
  • Honey and olive oil
  • Peppermint, ginger, and turmeric
  • Foods that contain probiotics. For example, yogurt, sauerkraut, Miso, tempeh, and sourdough bread
  • Nuts like walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts
  • Oily fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines

What should you avoid with gastritis?

  • Alcohol and energy drinks
  • Dairy products
  • Food that contains chili and spicy peppers
  • Coffee and soda
  • Processed food and snacks
  • Fried eggs and greasy food
  • Corn and anything made from corn
  • Chocolate, ice cream, cakes, nut butter
  • Raw tomatoes, tomato juice, and sauce
  • Barbecued meat, marinades, salsa, and creamy sauces
  • Refined carbohydrates like refined grains, fresh bread, and pasta made from refined flour

How do you treat gastritis?

The best way to treat gastritis is to abide by the rules of what to eat and what not to eat.

Also, seek professional help when necessary. When a gastritis flare lasts beyond a week or your vomit and stool contain blood, it’s time to see a doctor.


Is almond milk good for acid reflux?

Almond milk is an effective balm for acid reflux. It is alkaline and will effectively neutralize the acid in your stomach, ease the symptoms and greatly reduce the pain.

Is almond milk good for stomach ulcers?

Yes, it is. Natural almond milk can help improve the symptoms of stomach ulcers.

The milk directly binds to the acid that eats away at the stomach lining and causes the sore. Almond milk neutralizes the effect of the acid and alleviates pain.

Is coconut milk good for gastritis?

Coconut milk without any additives is safe for gastritis. It has an almost neutral pH that makes it a great choice for soothing the symptoms of almond milk. Although such cases are rare, avoid coconut milk if you are allergic to it.

Is oat milk good for gastritis?

Not every gastritis sufferer can tolerate oat milk.

The sugar and fiber in the milk do not digest easily, and this can cause stomach upset. Moreover, it may not be gluten-free, which makes it completely unsafe for people with gluten sensitivity.

But if you find oat milk tolerable, good for you. It contains vitamin B, an essential vitamin that gastric sufferers lack.

Is soy milk good for gastritis?

Soy milk is not a good idea for gastritis. Soybeans are easily digestible, and they contain compounds that stimulate the stomach to produce more gas. This can aggravate gastritis and leave the sufferer feeling worse.

However, if you get natural soy milk and find it tolerable for your stomach, you may drink it in small measured portions.


Gastritis management should not be difficult if you adhere to the instructions on foods to eat and avoid.

Natural almond milk is a healthy and nutritious alternative to dairy milk. Moreover, it has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it soothing for gastritis.

In summary, if you’re taking almond milk for gastritis, ensure it’s natural. Commercial almond milk contains additives like carrageenan, which may aggravate gastritis.

Thanks for reading.

Read more articles on the nutritional value of food, milk, and beverages on Millenora.