Can You Freeze Croissants To Keep Them Fresh And Edible? [Baked, Unbaked & Store-Bought]

For the love of the flakiness of croissants, you may have made too many, and you won’t want them to go to waste. You’re most likely wondering if freezing croissants is a good idea. Yes, you can freeze croissants.

Well, freezing works for many dishes, snacks, beverages, fruits, and even vegetables. There’s only one way to know if freezing croissant is the best method of preservation. Continue reading to see full details.

What are croissants?

Croissants are crescent-shaped pastries made from yeast-leavened dough.

The croissant dough is layered with butter and goes through a series of rolling and folding into a thin sheet, a process called laminating. After baking, the croissants come out flaky.

The main ingredients that make croissants are flour, butter, yeast, sugar, milk, water, and eggs. Based on personal preferences, you may eat your baked croissants with chocolate, pastry cream, Nutella, and almonds.

Additionally, croissants are rich sources of calories, fats, and carbs. They are a good choice for breakfast, lunch, dessert, or if you need something to snack on.

Can you freeze croissants?

Yes, you can freeze croissants to keep them fresh.

The freezer sure does a lot of good when it comes to food preservation. If you made a lot of croissants or can’t finish the ones you bought, the freezer can help you out.

Before you freeze croissants, put them in airtight containers or plastic bags to keep out pollutants.

Moreso, the croissants must be prepared and stored properly to retain their deliciousness and crispy texture.

Can you freeze croissants immediately after baking?

Yes. The best way to freeze croissants is immediately after baking them.

After baking the croissants, take them out of the oven and leave them to cool well. Afterward, put them in a plastic freezer bag.

Can you freeze unbaked croissants?

Yes, you can.

Freezing croissant dough can help you save time and store enough croissants for future use. Before freezing the dough, make sure you have cut and rolled it into the croissants.

Here’s how to go about it:

  • Cut and roll out each croissant and flash freeze them for some hours or overnight on a baking sheet.
  • Afterward, roll each croissant in a plastic wrap before gathering all croissants together in a plastic bag.
  • In addition, make sure you squeeze out as much air as you can before sealing the bag.

Can you freeze croissants after proofing?

Freezing croissants after proofing may result in over-proofed croissants.

The best way to freeze croissant dough is to store it immediately after cutting and rolling. Also, you can proof them halfway before freezing and do the final proof when thawing the frozen dough.

Additionally, if you’re freezing croissant dough that you plan to use the next day, proof the dough for an hour before refrigerating it. Freezing proofed dough makes the preparation time shorter when you’re ready to eat croissants.

If you proofed the croissants before freezing them, you don’t have to thaw them before baking. Just brush the croissants with egg wash and bake in a preheated oven until they are golden brown.

Can you freeze store-bought croissants?

Yes, you can.

If you bought more croissants than you can finish, keep them in the freezer to preserve them for up to a week.

Can you refreeze croissants?

It is not advisable to refreeze croissants, whether they are baked or unbaked. When frozen croissants thaw, bake and eat them as soon as possible.

When you refreeze and reheat croissants, they lose their flakiness and deliciousness. Consequently, the croissants become less appetizing.

How to freeze croissants

Follow these steps to freeze croissants properly:

  • Allow freshly baked croissants to cool on a tray
  • Then, wrap each croissant with plastic wrap to prevent one from touching the other
  • Thereafter, flash freeze the croissants for a few hours
  • Put the frozen croissants in a freezer bag and squeeze out as much air as you can before you seal the bag
  • Make sure you don’t put anything on the bag of croissants because their soft, flaky texture can crumble
  • Then, keep the bag away from foods like onions and any vegetables that can give the croissants a different smell
  • When you are ready to eat the croissants, thaw them overnight in the fridge and bake them in a preheated oven

How long should you freeze croissants?

Although unbaked, croissant dough can stay frozen for up to a year, it is at its best for only two to three months.

Baked croissants can stay frozen for up to two months. After this period, they lose their taste and texture.

Pros of freezing croissants

  • Freezing croissants prevents wastage if you have made or bought more than you can eat
  • Also, freezing croissant dough can help you cut down preparation time if you make them for commercial purposes or if they are the family’s favorite breakfast
  • If you freeze croissants properly, you can enjoy freshly baked croissants when you want

Cons of freezing croissants

  • Freezing croissants may result in over-proofed croissants
  • Additionally, if you freeze croissants for too long, they could lose their crisp texture and flavor
  • If you don’t thaw frozen croissants properly, they will lose their deliciousness and crispy texture


How do you know croissants have gone off?

When croissants have gone off, they lose their crisp and light texture.

Also, they begin to smell off with an off taste as well. Mold growth on croissants is another telltale sign of spoilage.

Can you eat stale croissants?

Eating stale food can put you at risk of getting food poisoning, the same applies to eating stale croissants.

If your croissants taste way different from what they tasted like when you first made them, it’s best to trash them.

Should you thaw unbaked croissants before baking?

Yes, you should.

Thaw frozen croissants in the refrigerator before baking. Also, brush the croissants with egg wash before you put them in the oven.

Can you heat frozen croissants in the microwave?

No, you can’t.

Heat frozen croissants in an oven or toaster. Heating frozen croissants in a microwave will make them soggy.


A baker once joked that the best way to keep a croissant fresh is to keep it in your tummy after you’ve eaten it. Well, that’s true. But outside the tummy, a freezer is also a good option.

You can freeze croissants to keep them fresh and enjoy the flakiness. Store them properly in freezer bags with little to no air, thaw overnight in the fridge, and bake again.

If you also love to eat sourdough bread, check out this list of failproof sourdough bread storage hacks.

Thanks for reading.