Can Diabetics Eat Cornbread Without Blood Sugar Spike?

Cornbread is a major meal in American cuisine. It is an alternative staple in localities where wheat flour is more expensive. Additionally, it is a traditional Thanksgiving meal. It is either served as a side or used for turkey stuffing.

And Thanksgiving meals have a way of bringing people together. On the off chance that someone at the table is diabetic, should they be served cornbread?

This article discusses cornbread and essential information for diabetics.

What is cornbread? 

Also known as Johnnycake, cornbread is a type of batter bread that is made from cornmeal. As mentioned earlier, it is Native American bread.

Cornbread has been around and has been eaten in homes for hundreds of years. In some homes, they make this quick bread with baking powder.

cornbread - millenora

Additionally, cornbread comes in variations such as Crackling bread, Hushpuppies, Hot Water Cornbread, Baked Cornbread, Corn Pone, and Johnnycakes. You can also bake them in various forms like a cupcake or muffins.

Who is a diabetic?

A diabetic is a person with diabetes.

Diabetes is a chronic health condition characterized by a build-up of sugar in the bloodstream. The body of a diabetic is also resistant to insulin or produces less than it needs.

Diabetes predisposes a person to other long-term health conditions like heart disease, kidney disease, vision problems, nerve damage, and skin problems.

Most diabetics are very careful with what they eat to avoid spiking their sugar levels.

Can diabetics eat cornbread? 

Yes, diabetics can eat cornbread. However, they should not eat too much traditional cornbread because it contains high amounts of carbs. Over time, excess consumption of this meal will spike blood sugar levels. 

If you are diabetic but worried about the high carbs in cornbread; you can make a low-carb cornbread from scratch with ingredients that are suitable for your condition. 

Can diabetics eat jiffy cornbread?

Yes, they can.

Jiffy cornbread contains a lot of fiber because it is made from whole wheat flour. The fiber in the bread reduces the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. Fiber is an important part of the diet of people with diabetes as it helps to manage the symptoms.

However, if you must eat jiffy cornbread, eat it in moderation. Regardless of the fiber content, this cornbread contains sugar which can spike blood sugar levels when you eat it in excess.

Can diabetics eat beans with cornbread?

Yes, they can.

Beans and cornbread are two different meals that are high in fiber. Moreover, beans are also a rich source of protein.

Fiber and protein are essential nutrients for diabetics. These ingredients work together to slow down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream and reduce insulin resistance.

Additionally, these nutrients can help reduce the risk of developing other diseases.

Does cornbread have sugar?

Traditional cornbread does not contain sugar.

It is made from cornmeal, hot water, and salt. However, in the 20th century, people began to add sugar to their cornbread recipes to make it brown.

What is the glycemic index of cornbread?

The glycemic index of cornbread is 69. This value is enough to spike blood sugar levels if you do not eat cornbread in moderation.

Should diabetics eat cornbread or white bread?

The American Diabetes Association recommends that diabetics should eat cornbread, a whole-grain bread, instead of white bread.

White bread is made with highly processed white flour and sugar which is dangerous for a diabetic. However, diabetics must eat cornbread in moderation because of its high carb content.


How many carbs are in cornbread?

According to the USDA, one piece of homemade cornbread that weighs 60g contains about 33g of carbs.

It also contains 198 calories, 6g fat, 10g sugar, 4g protein, 1.4g dietary fiber, 34.2mg cholesterol, 359.4 mg sodium, 79.8 mg potassium, and other vitamins and minerals.

What allergies are associated with cornbread?

Although it is quite rare, allergies associated with eating anything that contains corn include hive or rash, itching in the mouth, nasal congestion (difficulty breathing), lightheadedness or dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, or nausea

Additionally, even though corn allergy is quite rare, it could be severe and life-threatening.

What is the difference between northern and southern cornbread?

Northern cornbread is sweeter and more cake-like while southern cornbread contains little or no sugar and little or no flour.

What is corn intolerance?

Corn intolerance is an inflammatory response of the body to corn.

It is a trigger caused by the proteins present in corn. Corn intolerance is not a common type of intolerance but it exists.

In severe cases, it can cause difficulty in breathing due to blocked airways, and irregular or rapid heartbeat. In addition, it could result in shock and loss of consciousness.


Traditional cornbread, due to its high-carb content, is generally not advisable for diabetics. However, you can enjoy a well-made low-carb cornbread. 

If diabetics must eat traditional cornbread, it should be in moderation. Otherwise, it can raise blood sugar levels and increase the risk of other diseases. 

Finally, find out if diabetics should be eating cheesecake and some healthy cake options.

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