Are Rice Cakes Gluten-Free And Healthy for Gluten Intolerance?

For so many people, rice cake is just another carbohydrate delicacy garnished with lots of veggies. But for anyone with gluten sensitivity, it has to be a lot more. If you are gluten sensitive, you certainly want to know if it can make part of a healthy lifestyle.

Want to know if rice cakes are gluten-free? Yes, most rice cakes are gluten-free. However, you must be sure that they do not contain any additives.

You must take extra caution to check the ingredient list of the brands you’re buying. Read this article for more details on gluten-free rice cakes.

What are rice cakes?

Rice cakes are appetizers prepared from gasped rice that is smoothed simultaneously into a cake. Many people often eat rice cakes as a low-calorie alternative to bread and crackers.

These snacks are portable so you can eat them on the go. The most popular and healthy rice cake is made from only rice and salt.

Nutritional facts and benefits of rice cakes

Nutrition facts

Rice cakes are low in calories, moderate in carbs, low in fiber, rich in protein, and low in fat. It is also rich in niacin, pantothenic acid, manganese, copper, selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc.

The sodium content depends on whether the snacks are salted. If you’re watching your salt intake, check the amount of sodium on the Nutrition Facts panel of the pack or look at the ingredients for added salt.

Furthermore, puffing rice may help to decrease its antioxidant content.


Some whole-grain foods can help you stay healthy, and rice cakes are one of them. They are low in calories, which helps prevent the build-up of unwanted fat and weight gain.

A study stated that over 360,000 humans who eat whole grains such as brown rice have a 17% lower risk of death from all causes than those who eat a little whole-grain food.

Another benefit is the absence of gluten in rice cakes which makes it a convenient food for people with a low gluten tolerance.

Rice cakes ingredients

As the name implies, it tells you that rice cakes are made of rice, and salt is added to taste. Albeit, you may find that some brands add some other components such as barley, etc. which isn’t so good, especially for you who want gluten-free food.

Are rice cakes healthy?

When you eat rice cakes, you should know that you are eating healthy and readily digestible food due to its main element being starch.

Nonetheless, the process of preparing rice cakes makes them difficult to digest physically and chemically. In some cases, this may cause high blood sugar if you eat multiple servings of sugary varieties in one sitting.

Most of these snacks are high in carbohydrates, have little protein and fiber, and will cause your blood sugar to spike. To blunt this effect, combine the snack with protein (such as meat, cheese, hummus, or nut butter) or fiber-rich fruits or vegetables.

It is advised that people with diabetes should slow in on rice cakes because they are fast carb digesters and will increase blood sugar levels.

Are rice rolls gluten-free?

Yes, they are. Rice rolls, if made from whole grain rice, are gluten-free and healthy. They are also a healthy substitute for other finger foods.

Are gluten-free rice cakes low FODMAP?

Fodmaps are a group of carbs that can cause digestive upset in some people.

The term FODMAP is an acronym that stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols-all short-chain carbohydrates that the small intestine absorbs poorly.

Therefore, people with FODMAP cannot have excessive rice cakes due to their condition. You can only eat a maximum of two cakes per serving.

Are Kallo rice cakes gluten-free?

Kallo is one of the brands that sell gluten-free wholegrain rice cakes. They are gluten-free and low-fat rice cakes.

Who can eat rice cakes?

Anyone that loves appetizers can eat rice cakes. However, people with conditions such as celiac, diabetes, gluten, or any other form of allergy must be very vigilant when eating rice cakes.

This set of individuals must be sure to eat only the cakes processed with rice only and nothing more.

3 Ways to top your rice cake

Berries and Greek yogurt

Top your rice cake with 1/4 cup of plain Greek yogurt infused with raspberries, blueberries, or sliced strawberries.

‌Peanut butter

Spread a proportional amount of ready-made peanuts on top of your rice cake to get a different feel.

Tuna salad

Put a 1/2 cup of tuna with 1 tablespoon of mayo mixed with little salt and pepper and spread on the rice cake.


Are gluten-free rice cakes healthy?

Yes, they are. Rice cakes are healthy as they have no spices in them. Since you want a gluten-free rice cake, you must ensure to find rice cakes made with rice only to get started with a healthy choice.

Can you get gluten and dairy-free rice cakes?

Yes, you can. Albeit this depends on if the rice cake is made with rice and no preservatives.

Consequently, you will find that rice cakes made only of rice are dairy-free, non-GMO, soy-free, gluten-free, and without artificial preservatives.

Will eating rice cake make you gain weight?

No, they won’t. This is because rice cakes have a low-calorie, but they are not the best weight-loss food since they are absorbed instantly. They do not comprise a considerable amount of grain and may cause weight gain.

Can you eat rice cakes if you have celiac disease?

Celiac disease is a compulsive digestive and immune condition that harms the small intestine. A person with this disease can only eat gluten-free rice cakes.

It is therefore important to carefully read the label on rice cakes as some varieties incorporate barley, Kamut (a type of wheat), or other gluten-containing grains.

Is the Korean rice cake gluten-free?

Yes, it is. The Korean rice cake is called Garaetteok. These are long, tubelike sticks made from gooey rice and are chewy. Its ingredients comprise only pure rice and salt.


Rice cakes are a crunchy snack that you should try with almonds, pistachios, or sunflower seeds. This gives you a balanced amount of protein, fiber, and healthy fat.

To ensure your blood sugar level is regulated, always take your rice cakes with protein and nutritious fat.

Thank you for reading.

Hey rice lover! You should also read this article to know if fried rice is gluten-free.