Are Pasta Sauces Gluten-Free? Prego, Dolmio, Ragu, Rao’s, Classico, & Leggo’s [+Recipe]

Great pasta becomes greater with well-made pasta sauce. Pasta sauces are enjoyable but not everyone can have them. As delicious as they are, pasta sauces are not the perfect sauce for a gluten-free diet.

Not all pasta sauces are gluten-free. Therefore, people with gluten intolerance must thoroughly scrutinize their sauce to be sure it is gluten-free.

You can either make a pasta sauce at home or buy marketed brands. But your chances of eating a gluten-free sauce are higher when you are making the sauce by yourself.

However, if you have to buy the sauce, you should be sure it is gluten-free.

What is pasta sauce?

Pasta sauce is a tomato sauce garnished with vegetables, herbs, and spices. The sauce is a very important part of any pasta recipe because it is what gives life to pasta.

Pasta is a comfort meal; the sauce is the condiment that makes it appetizing and palatable. Conventional pasta sauces are made of fresh tomato puree, tinned tomatoes, vegetables like carrots, green chilies, seasonings, and herbs.

Other varieties of pasta sauces include thick meaty sauces, cream-based sauces, cheese-based, and light butter sauces.

In addition, pasta sauces vary across countries, and the type of sauce people eat also varies with personal preferences.

Are pasta sauces gluten-free?

Most pasta sauces are gluten-free.

The constituent ingredients, especially the base ingredients (tomato, meat, cheese, or oil) are naturally gluten-free. Generally, this makes pasta sauces okay for celiacs and those with non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS).

However, if you are buying processed sauce, check the nutrition label for ingredients like wheat or other sources of gluten.

When making pasta sauce, the tomatoes are sautéed in hot oil until they no longer have their acidic, raw taste. Then, vegetables, seasonings, herbs, and spices are added to give and enhance the flavor.

Is Prego tomato sauce gluten-free?

Prego is the brand name for a traditional pasta sauce. Prego makes a variety of pasta sauces and they are all verified gluten-free. Their over 25 sauces meet the FDA standard that qualifies a sauce as gluten-free.

Therefore, celiacs can safely have these sauces with pasta. You can also make sure of what you are eating by reading the nutrition label or visiting their website to read through the ingredients list for gluten ingredients.

Is Dolmio pasta sauce gluten-free?

Dolmio pasta sauces are confirmed gluten-free.

Most of their packaging comes with a gluten-free label on them but you can double-check to be very sure.

Is Ragu spaghetti sauce gluten-free?

Ragu spaghetti sauce brands are not all gluten-free.

Most of their sauces do not contain gluten ingredients. Parmesan & Romano and Mama’s Garden pasta sauces are the only Ragu sauces that contain gluten. If people with celiac eat any of these, it will cause a reaction.

Is Rao’s marinara sauce gluten-free?

Rao’s is also the brand name for a company that makes pasta sauce. Rao’s marinara sauce is confirmed gluten-free. All the ingredients on the list are gluten-free. Therefore, they are suitable pasta condiments for celiacs.

Are Classico pasta sauces gluten-free?

Classico has over thirty different flavors of pasta sauces. All the sauces meet the FDA’s twenty parts per million requirements for gluten-free sauces.

Are Leggo’s pasta sauces gluten-free?

Leggo’s pasta sauces are simple, classic, and considered gluten-free.

One can never be too careful, so you should always read the labels of processed foods before you consume them.

Check for gluten ingredients and drop the pack if it contains wheat or other gluten ingredients.

Why do you need pasta sauce in your diet?

Eating pasta sauce in your diet can do you a lot of good.

Tomato, the base of most pasta sauces, is a rich source of many nutrients like lycopene. This lycopene greatly improves your heart’s health and reduces the risk of getting heart problems and even prostate cancer.

Furthermore, pasta sauces are rich in vitamins and minerals that support and enhance bone health, vision, and the appearance of your skin. They also help to protect you from chronic diseases.

In addition, the tomatoes in pasta sauces are sources of fiber. Therefore, eating pasta sauces in moderation will greatly aid bowel movement, thereby reducing frequent constipation.

Are there side effects of eating gluten-free pasta sauce?

People who follow a gluten-free diet may lack some nutrients, especially those found in wheat and other gluten ingredients. However, you can avoid this deficiency with a doctor’s counsel.

In addition, you can make up for the deficiency by eating gluten-free whole grains, fruits, and vegetables rather than processed gluten-free foods.

Gluten-free pasta sauce recipe

Follow this recipe to make gluten-free pasta sauce for eight people.

You can reduce or increase the measurements of ingredients according to how many people you will be serving.


  • 2 tinned tomatoes
  • 4 cans of tomato sauce
  • 2 large onions
  • 2 bell peppers
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of basil
  • ½ tablespoon of oregano
  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • ½ tablespoon of ground pepper
  • ½ tablespoon of crushed red pepper
  • Sliced tomatoes
  • Ground beef
  • Chicken sausage
  • Any other seasonings, herbs, or spices of your choice


  • Start with washing all necessary ingredients
  • Chop the onions, bell peppers, and chicken sausage into bits. Also, mince the garlic
  • Then, heat the ground beef with the chopped onions and chopped bell peppers in a skillet
  • Allow the beef to cook until it is brown, then add the sausage and minced garlic
  • Cook everything for about five minutes
  • Afterward, add the tinned tomatoes, tomato sauce, and sliced tomatoes. Make sure you are stirring the mix while you add the condiments
  • Add the spices and seasonings as well
  • Stir everything together and leave it to cook on low heat for another 20 minutes
  • Then, your gluten-free pasta sauce is ready to go with pasta for lunch or dinner


How can you tell if a pasta sauce is gluten-free?

To know if a pasta sauce is gluten-free, check the label for any gluten ingredient on the ingredients list. If you are making your sauce at home, be sure to use only gluten-free ingredients.

Is there gluten-free pasta?

Yes, there are gluten-free kinds of pasta.

Pasta made from brown rice, chickpeas, corn, buckwheat, or quinoa are examples of gluten-free kinds of pasta.

Why does your stomach hurt after eating gluten-free pasta?

Your stomach may hurt after eating gluten-free pasta if the pasta is made with over-processed and refined gluten-free grains.


Whether you are following a gluten-free diet or not, you deserve to enjoy a nice bowl of pasta and sauce. Wonderfully, people on a gluten-free diet do not have to throw caution to the wind to enjoy pasta sauces.

There are so many gluten-free pasta sauces you can eat. And they taste no less appetizing than regular pasta sauces.

If you are getting branded pasta sauces, make sure you buy one that is completely gluten-free to avoid a reaction if you have celiac disease.

Also, find out if ramen noodles are gluten-free and safe for people with gluten sensitivity.

Thanks for reading.