What Does Cream Cheese Taste Like? Explore The Creamy Flavor

Cream cheese is one ingredient that every cheese lover is grateful for. With cream cheese, you can easily enjoy a cheesy meal anytime, any day. Perhaps the closest you’ve gotten to cream cheese is to hear about its tales, but you’ve never had a taste.

The first thing you should know is that all the nice things you’ve heard about the taste of cream cheese are true. Cream cheese has a mild taste that balances your meals. When you eat it with a bagel or salad, you’ll understand this.

I believe this has to whet your appetite already. Continue reading to see more about cream cheese.

What is cream cheese?

Cream cheese is a fresh cheese made from unskimmed cow’s milk. It is a soft, fatty cheese made from a combination of milk and cream.

This soft, creamy cheese contains at least 33% fat which gives it its soft and smooth consistency.

Furthermore, the creamy mixture then goes through fermentation and thickening using lactic acid bacteria. This process makes it firmer but still soft and spreadable.

The bacteria also reduces the pH value of the cheese and makes it easy to separate the whey from the curds.

Additionally, the preparation method of cream cheese makes it highly perishable, but stabilizers are added to commercial cream cheese to keep it fresh for a longer period.

What does cream cheese taste like?

Cream cheese has a mildly sweet and salty taste with tangy notes.

This taste profile describes unsweetened, traditional cream cheese. The taste becomes different when you add the cheese to different recipes. Yet, it remains mild enough to not overpower your dishes.

Commercial cream cheese varies in taste depending on the extra ingredients it contains. Herbs, spices, and fruits can help enhance the taste of cream cheese to give it a balanced taste in different meals.

In addition, its taste profile makes cream cheese a perfect choice for frostings, cheesecakes, toppings, dips, and many desserts.

What does bad cream cheese taste like?

Bad cream cheese tastes nothing like fresh cream cheese.

It tastes sour and has a very lumpy texture with a watery surface. When you find out that your cream cheese has gone bad, you should throw it out.

What does cream cheese taste like on a bagel?

Cream cheese on bagels tastes sweet and tangy. However, the pair will taste differently when other ingredients are included.

You can change the taste of your bagel and cream cheese with toppings like dark chocolate, strawberries, blueberries, banana, shaved coconut, walnuts, tomatoes, and onions.

What does scallion cream cheese taste like?

Scallion cream cheese still tastes like cream cheese but with the oniony flavor from scallions.

What does cream cheese Rangoon taste like?

Cream cheese Rangoon has an oniony and garlicky taste because it does contain these ingredients.

What does cream cheese frosting taste like?

Cream cheese frosting tastes like cream cheese. But the butter in the recipe makes it a little tangier.

What does strawberry cream cheese taste like?

Strawberries on cream cheese give the spread a sweet, fruity flavor.

Is cream cheese true cheese?

Yes, it is. Cream cheese contains dairy like every cheese except vegan cheese. But one major difference between cream cheese and other types of cheese is the fat content.

Cream cheese contains a lot of fat which makes it soft. Moreover, it meets the FDA requirements for having at least 33% fat and 55% moisture.

Is cream cheese healthy?

Cream cheese is healthy if you eat it in moderation.

One ounce of cream cheese contains 97 calories, 10g of fat, 1.7g of protein, 2g of carbs, 31.2mg of cholesterol, 87mg of vitamin A, no fiber, and other vitamins and minerals.

The fat content of cream cheese doesn’t make it a very healthy option for people who need to watch their fat intake. However, it contains antioxidants that can help neutralize the actions of free radicals.

In addition, as a rich source of vitamins and minerals, cream cheese can help strengthen bones and muscles. Cream cheese is also gluten-free, making it safe for people with gluten sensitivity.

How to make cream cheese

This recipe will yield 3 cups of cream cheese.


  • 12 cups of full-fat milk (this is also whole milk)
  • 9 tablespoons of lemon or lime juice
  • 1 teaspoon of kosher salt


  • Pour the milk into a heavy-bottomed saucepan and heat it on medium-high heat
  • Make sure you’re stirring until the milk is simmering intensely
  • Once it starts to simmer, slightly reduce the heat
  • Add the lemon juice. Start with one tablespoon, allow it to simmer for one minute, and add another tablespoon
  • Repeat the above step until you’ve added all three tablespoons of the juice. Most importantly, make sure you’re stirring continuously
  • Leave the mixture to cook until you see the milk curdling. Don’t stop stirring; continue until the mixture separates into curds and a green liquid
  • Then, take the saucepan off the heat
  • Afterward, arrange a cheesecloth over a wide bowl and pour the mixture of curds and liquid through it
  • Allow the liquid to strain out until you have only curds in the cheesecloth
  • Then, allow the curds to cool
  • When the curds are completely cooled, put them in a food processor and blend until you have a smooth and creamy texture
  • Pour the cream cheese out of the food processor and add salt
  • If you want a different flavor, add spices, herbs, or fruits
  • Transfer the cream cheese to an airtight container and store it in the refrigerator for 1 to 2 weeks

How can you use cream cheese?

Cream cheese works well with any of these:

  • Cakes and baked goods
  • Sandwiches
  • Omelets
  • As a spread with jam for bread and crackers
  • Cheesecakes
  • Fondues
  • Mac and cheese
  • Dips and pasta sauce
  • Crêpe filling
  • Pastry dough and filling
  • Meatballs
  • Sauces
  • Puréed soups
  • Brownies toppings
  • Frostings and ice creams
  • Pate
  • Avocado and chocolate
  • Basil pesto
  • Peanut butter and pickles
  • Filling strawberries and tomatoes
  • Berries and greens

Who should not eat cream cheese?

Generally, cream cheese is safe for everyone because it doesn’t contain any toxic ingredients.

However, you should not eat cream cheese if you are at risk of getting a protein deficiency. But if you must, it should be every other day, and you should supplement it with other protein-rich meals.


Is cream cheese dairy-free?

Cream cheese, except for the dairy-free options, is not dairy-free. If you have a dairy allergy or you’re following a vegan diet, go for dairy-free cream cheese.

Is cream cheese lactose-free?

As long as cream cheese contains dairy, it may not be lactose-free. Opt for vegan cream cheese if you’re lactose intolerant.

What does vegan cream cheese taste like?

Vegan cream cheese tastes like dairy cream cheese, but it may have savory undertones to it. Moreover, the taste of vegan cream cheese varies with brands and additives.

What does cream cheese smell like?

Cream cheese has a mild and appealing smell as long as it is still in good condition. When the cream cheese has gone bad, it’ll have a rotten and pungent smell.

Can you eat raw cream cheese?

No, you can’t.

Thoroughly cook cream cheese before you eat it. Eating raw cream cheese could make you sick and expose you to worse ailments.


Cream cheese is inarguably delicious. Its great taste is one of the reasons why it is a common ingredient in many sweet and savory recipes. Its creamy texture is another thing worth exploring.

Whether you’re using cream cheese as a dip for chips, melting it over chicken, or as a spread on bagels, its mild taste will bring balance and leave you wanting more. So, what are you waiting for? You should try cream cheese already.

Do you love to eat bagels with cream cheese? You should find out if cream cheese bagel is a healthy combination before you go ahead to eat more.

Thanks for reading.