Sandwich Condiments: 28 Sauces And Spreads Ideas

Your sandwich can be simple or filled depending on the condiments, protein, and toppings you use to build yours. Sandwich condiments range from simple spreads like butter or mayo to cranberry sauce or cream cheese with chives.

You can also add extra depth of flavor with herbs or an extra kick of spice with chili peppers. Sandwich condiments are beside your protein choices.

If you are looking to build a delicious sandwich, here is a list of condiments you can use to add moisture or extra flavor to your bread and fillings.

What are sandwich condiments?

Sandwich condiments refer to spices, sauces, spreads, or any ingredients added to sandwich fillings or directly to the bread to enhance flavor or moisture.

Depending on the type and texture of the condiment, it may be spread or sprinkled over the bread or filling.

1. Basil pesto

basil pesto - millenora

Your pesto recipe can be simple with just basil leaves, olive oil, cheese, and pine nuts. You can add extra flavor depth with lemon juice, garlic, sun-dried tomatoes, spinach, arugula, and pieces of chicken.

2. Honey mustard mayonnaise

honey mustard mayo - millenora

Honey mustard mayonnaise is a combination of three tastes that come from the three ingredients that make up this creamy spread. The sweet taste of honey meets the zing from mustard and the creaminess from the mayo.

Enjoy honey mustard mayonnaise with sandwich bread or accompany it with fruit or protein fillings for a hearty and more filling meal.

3. Avocado spread

avocado spread for sandwich - millenora

Avocado slices on bread taste great but your sandwich can be better with a spicy avocado spread. You can add this spread to any sandwich if you don’t mind the mild acidic taste. Avocado spread makes a healthy vegan alternative to regular mayonnaise.

4. Hot sauce

hot sauce - millenora

Hot sauce is one of the popular sandwich condiments. If you have not tried it yet, you should. Hot sauce is a calorie-free sauce that should be a part of the diet of people who are trying to cut down on their calorie intake.

5. Ketchup

ketchup on sandwich bread - millenora

Ketchup is one of the first go-tos on most minds when it’s sandwiches for breakfast. It is one of the most popular condiments in America and it’s rare to find a house without a ketchup bottle.

While ketchup is tasty, it tends to contain high amounts of sugar and most likely loads your meal with calories.

6. Chipotle mayonnaise

chipotle mayonnaise - millenora

Chipotle mayo is the choice for a creamy spread with a kick of spice. You can get a homemade recipe and try out this spread at home. Make a large batch and store it for breakfast sandwiches and chips on some days.

7. Peanut butter

peanut butter on sandwich bread - millenora

Peanut butter is a delicious sandwich condiment. It tastes great alone and when paired with fruits or pickles. Peanut butter comes in smooth and crunchy varieties. The crunchy variety adds a different twist to your sandwich.  

8. Caramelized onions

caramelized onions - millenora

Caramelized onions look simple but they are not easy to make. When you get through the labor, you will be in for a treat. The best varieties of onion to use for caramelized onions are white, red, yellow, or sweet onions.

You can cut your onions however you like but you will appreciate them better in thin strips. Caramelized onions are sweet, sticky, and soft and taste great in sandwiches.

9. Cream cheese and chives

cream cheese and chives - millenora

Cream cheese by itself tastes great with bread but it can be better with the tangy taste of chives. Chop fresh chives and mix with cream cheese. Spread over slices of your favorite sandwich bread and serve for a quick breakfast.

If you have time on your hands, you can toast the bread before adding the spread.

10. Jam

jam on bread - millenora

Yes, you eat jam with bread. Have you ever thought about what it would taste like to have jam layered at the base of a creamy or spicy sandwich spread? You should give this a try.

11. Salad dressing

salad dressing - millenora

Your favorite salad dressing can also come in handy as part of your sandwich condiments. I’ll recommend ranch dressing because of its creaminess.

12. Wasabi

wasabi paste for sandwich - millenora

Here’s one unconventional sandwich condiment. Most people would rather pass on wasabi because of its strong taste. However, you can tone down yours with a dash of mayo.

13. Anchovy paste

anchovy paste for sandwich - millenora

If you love anchovies, you might just like anchovy paste in your sandwich. If you are very adventurous with your palate, you can give it a try.

14. BBQ sauce

BBQ sauce - millenora

BBQ sauce is one of the best sauces for moisture. You can mix it into the sandwich filling (chicken salad, for example), drizzle over the bread before adding fillings, or serve as a dip. Your taste buds will appreciate this juicy goodness.

15. Hummus

hummus for sandwich - millenora

Hummus is a very versatile condiment. Make your favorite style of hummus and make a sandwich with it alongside veggies like spinach and tomatoes.

You can also add deli meats like ham and salami. You can eat your sandwich cold or toast until the hummus is melty.

16. Cheese

cheesy sandwich - millenora

You can use soft or hard cheese in your sandwich. Some perfect ideas are cheddar, mozzarella, pepper jack, Havarti, gouda, brie, provolone, Swiss and goat cheese. You can use them in slices, shredded, or melted for extra creaminess.

17. Cranberry sauce

cranberry sauce for sandwich - millenora

Make a simple sandwich with cranberry sauce. Use the sauce like every other spread you use for sandwiches. You can make a loaded sandwich with cheese, spinach, onions, and turkey.

18. Guacamole

guacamole for sandwich - millenora

Guacamole in a BLT sandwich tastes great. The good thing about guacamole in sandwiches is that it does not overwhelm the flavors of other ingredients.

19. Horseradish sauce

horseradish sauce for sandwich - millenora

Horseradish sauce is made with grated horseradish root and vinegar. It has subtle spice notes and a mild flavor that perfectly complements all other ingredients in your sandwich. Here’s a hint: horseradish sauce tastes better in roast beef or steak sandwiches.

20. Honey

honey - millenora

Honey pairs well with toast. Drizzle honey over toast to enhance its sweetness and add more moisture to the bread.

21. Pepper

pepper in grilled cheese sandwich - millenora

You can use pepper in powder, flakes, or fresh form. Black or white pepper powder, chili flakes, chopped red bell peppers, Tuscan peppers, or banana peppers are excellent ideas for sandwiches.

Fresh peppers perfectly complement cheesy ham, bacon, or chicken sandwiches. 

22. Kimchi

kimchi sandwich - millenora

Coleslaw in a sandwich tastes great but you can create a more complex flavor with this Korean dish made of fermented cabbage, radish, and other vegetables in a liquid mixture of salt, ginger, garlic, and chili pepper.

Kimchi gives sandwiches a delicious sour, spicy, and tangy taste.

23. Olive oil

olive oil on bread - millenora

Olive oil seems very light but makes a good sandwich condiment. However, you should add other condiments like herbs, mayo, yogurt, bacon, cheese, etc to make a more filling sandwich.

24. Pickles

pickles in sandwich - millenora

Pickled cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, dill, onions, or eggs are delicious sandwich condiments you should try. You can toast your bread before preparing the sandwich and spread mayo or yogurt before layering the pickles.

25. Yogurt

yogurt - millenora

If you’re not vegan but need a low-fat alternative to mayo, here’s yogurt. Mix it with vegetables and herbs for extra depth of flavor. Ensure to use thick yogurt so it doesn’t soak up the bread.

26. Chutneys

chutney for sandwich - millenora

There is a variety of chutneys you can add to your sandwich. You can make a fruit or vegetable-based chutney with mango, apple, or tomatoes depending on your preference.

27. Curry paste

curry paste - millenora

Curry paste is not quite common, but it doesn’t taste bad. It is a mixture of cumin seeds, coriander seeds, fennel seeds, garlic, peppercorns, other herbs and spices, and white vinegar. You can make your curry paste creamy with a dollop of mayo.

28. Salsa

salsa - millenora

I bet you are surprised to see salsa on this list of sandwich condiments. Do you think it’s meant for only burritos? Wait until you eat a sandwich with salsa in the fillings. Adding salsa to sandwiches is a good way to cut down on calories.


What are the most popular sandwich condiments?

The most common sandwich condiments are pesto, honey mustard mayonnaise, peanut butter, cream cheese, jam, and guacamole.

Which condiments are best for chicken sandwiches?

Some of the best condiments for a chicken sandwich are mayonnaise, chipotle sauce, honey mustard, pesto, BBQ sauce, hot sauce, and aioli.

Pair your chicken sandwich with sides like a bowl of coleslaw, potato fries, mac and cheese, onion rings, pasta salad, or baked beans.

Can you add meat as a condiment to sandwiches?

Meat is not a condiment. However, some people use meats like ham, bacon, and pastrami to enhance the flavor of their sandwiches while enjoying rich protein content.


Condiments are fast and easy ingredients that can help dress up your sandwich and transform it from tasteless slices of bread to a rich and delicious deck of bread and fillings.

Remember that while some of these condiments offer health benefits, some others load your meal with unhealthy calories. So, when choosing what appeals to your palate, remember that your health is more important.

For your next pastrami sandwich, here are the best cheese choices and how to use them to make the perfect pastrami sandwich.

Thanks for reading.