Here’s How To Make Whole Milk At Home

One of the amazing things any cook will tell you they learned is that you can make milk at home. Yes, you can make about any milk at home – whole or skimmed.

In this article, I’ll discuss how to make whole milk at home through different methods.

Whole milk is a key ingredient in many foods, recipes, pastries, and baked goods. So, when the need arises, or you run out of milk, learning how to make milk using available ingredients can be very useful.

How to make whole milk at home

whole milk in glass - millenora

There are various methods for making whole milk, but each process requires a different type of milk.

To make whole milk, the general rule of thumb is to boil a cup of water or the necessary amount you need, let it cool, and then stir in your preferred dairy while keeping an eye on the temperature with a food thermometer (optional).

1. Using 2 percent and butter

Add one part half-and-half to two parts two percent with a teaspoon of butter to turn two percent into the whole dairy.

This mixture produces the right consistency and level of fat when used in a recipe.

2. Using heavy cream and butter

Mix half a cup of water and half a cup of heavy cream to make milk from heavy cream and butter. Blend the two ingredients to create creamy-textured milk.

Heavy cream has more fat than whole dairy, which is why it produces a thick consistency and a velvety, rich mouthfeel in your pastry.

3. Using heavy cream and 1 percent

Simply mix 1.5 tbsp of heavy cream with 1 cup of one percent to create a cup of whole dairy. You can use this substitute if you need milk to prepare food, bake, or pour over cereal or cornflakes.

4. Using semi-skimmed milk

To make 1 cup of milk, combine 2 ounces of half-and-half with 6 ounces of semi-skimmed milk. Using this mixture, you will obtain the perfect milk for your recipes.

Also, semi-skimmed milk is produced by skimming some of the milk’s cream, resulting in low-fat milk.

How much cream do you add to 2 percent to make whole milk?

To make dairy with 2% milk, combine 1/3 cup of heavy whipping cream with about 3 or 2/3 cup of 2% milk.

What can you mix to make whole milk?

To make a cup of whole dairy, mix ½ cup evaporated dairy and ½ cup water.

Is whole milk healthier than 2 percent?

No, it isn’t.

Whole dairy contains more calories and fat than 2 percent. Nevertheless, there aren’t many distinctions.

This dairy has 150 calories and 8 grams of fat per cup, compared to 2 percent milk, which has 120 calories and 5 grams of fat per cup.

Is whole milk healthier than skim?

No, it isn’t.

If you’re trying to cut back on saturated fat, skim milk might be a better option. Both types of milk contain the same vitamins and minerals.

They both have vitamins A and D; however, because removing the milk fat leads to the loss of these vitamins, skim milk has them added back in.

What are the benefits of drinking whole milk?

It has an extremely balanced composition of healthy fats with about half of its fat being polyunsaturated and unsaturated fats and more than one-third being Omega-3 fatty acids.

These fats are necessary for supplying your body with energy and promoting cell growth, which is why milk is good for kids.

You can also find 30% DV of calcium, 7.9 grams or 16% DV of protein, 24% DV of vitamin D, and 18% DV of vitamin B12 in one cup of milk.

What are the cons of drinking whole milk?

It has a lot of calories because it is full of fat.

A cup of milk contains 150 calories and 8 grams of saturated fat, which may cause cholesterol levels to rise.


Who should drink whole milk?

Fat is an important part of a baby’s and toddler’s diet for varying reasons, such as brain health.

As a result, it is recommended that children aged one to two should consume whole dairy often. If their growth is stable, it is safe to switch to low-fat or nonfat (skim) milk.

Does whole milk have cream in it?

Yes, it does.

The milk, which comes from a cow, contains both nonfat milk and cream. Consequently, it will naturally have cream.

Can you substitute cream for milk?

Yes, you can.

In baking, heavy cream works well in place of milk, but it needs to be slightly diluted.

As a result, it is best to replace one cup of milk with a half-cup of heavy cream and a half-cup of water because heavy cream has a fat content of 36% to 40%.

What is the fat percentage in whole milk?

Whole milk has about 3.5 percent fat.

Its relatively low level of adulteration has more to do with the term “whole dairy” than its fat content.


The pastry recipe or whatever confection you want to use the diary for will determine what kind of ingredients you use to make your whole milk.

As a result, skim milk, heavy cream plus butter, 2 percent milk, and even 1 percent milk are a few of the options available to make milk.

However, keep in mind that for whole milk to come out correctly, you must use precise measurements and not more.

You can also learn how to make 2% skimmed milk at home.

Thanks for reading.