Is Jasmine Rice Good for Weight Loss? Find Out Here

Jasmine rice is one of the varieties of rice ith claims to aid weight loss because they provide only a fair amount of carbs. But, how true is this?

We all love to eat rice but some people would rather avoid it because of how much carbs and calories it supplies. Even worse, some rice dishes are just plates of sodium.

Jasmine rice seems like a different variety and the claims for weight loss are worth looking into. Read this article to see how beneficial this rice can be to your weight loss journey and if there are any associated risks or not.

About Jasmine rice

Jasmine rice is a sweet, nutty-flavored, and long-grain form of rice with a slightly sticky texture. Jasmine rice is typically white but can also be found in brown and black varieties. 

In addition, it is popularly used in Asian cuisine, particularly Thai and Vietnamese dining. And when cooked, it tends to be softer and fluffier than other long-grain rice.

It is a good choice for dishes flavored with strong, aromatic spices. You can also integrate Jasmine rice in sweet dishes, such as rice pudding, or as a base for fruit compotes. Jasmine rice is available at most grocery stores and online.

Is Jasmine rice good for weight loss?

Jasmine rice contains complex carbohydrates and fiber. These nutrients are important for weight loss because they help to regulate blood sugar levels and keep you feeling full longer. 

Additionally, Jasmine rice is a low-fat food, which can also be helpful for weight loss. If weight control is what you want, it’s okay and safe to add Jasmine rice to your diet plan. 

Therefore, Jasmine rice will be a good addition to your weight loss diet.

However, it is important to remember that all types of rice contain calories. Also, how you cook Jasmine rice and how much you eat matters a lot in your weight loss diet.

Is brown Jasmine rice good for weight loss?

Yes, it is. Brown Jasmine rice contains a good amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals that your body needs to function well. 

Like whole grains, Jasmine brown rice is high in fiber which helps keep you satisfied after eating. 

Even more, fiber has been linked to weight loss. In one study, people who increased their fiber intake by 30 grams per day discovered that it helped them lose weight, boost their body’s response to insulin, and lower their blood pressure.

Brown Jasmine rice also contains magnesium which aids metabolism and helps the body burn fat. 

So, if you want to lose weight, brown Jasmine rice is the right variety to add to your diet. Just be sure to watch your portion sizes because eating too much of any food can lead to weight gain.

Is white Jasmine rice okay for weight loss?

No, it isn’t. White Jasmine rice has more carbs and provides more calories. It also has a higher glycemic index and can cause blood sugar to spike rapidly.

This spike increases hunger pangs hunger and cravings which make you eat more, and frequently too.

Additionally, white rice is often refined, meaning it undergoes a process that removes fiber and naturally beneficial nutrients for weight loss. 

For these reasons, brown rice or other whole-grain options are generally better for weight loss.

How much Jasmine rice should you eat to lose weight?

The answer to this question depends on a few factors such as your current weight, how much weight you want to lose, and your activity level.

However, a general guideline and good starting point might be to aim for 1/2 cup of brown Jasmine rice per day if you want to lose weight. 

A study suggests that forty overweight women ate ⅔ cup of brown rice over 6 weeks and recorded remarkable changes in their body weight. 

Add other healthy foods like lean protein and vegetables to make a complete and balanced meal. 

Finally, as part of your weight loss plan, you may need to cut back on other carbs, such as white rice or pasta. 

Health benefits of eating Jasmine rice

Jasmine rice is a common food in many Asian countries. It comes with various health benefits, some of which are:

1. It is a good source of complex carbohydrates

Jasmine rice is a good source of complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates form an essential portion of a healthy diet and can keep you feeling full after consumption.

It supplies energy to the body and helps to manage blood glucose levels.

2. A rich source of fiber

Fiber is a vital nutrient that can help you improve the state of your digestive system. Brown Jasmine rice is a good source of dietary fiber and can help you lose weight and prevent constipation.

3. Low-calorie content

Jasmine rice can be a good choice for people looking to control their weight. It is relatively low in calories (1 cooked cup supplies up to 180 calories) and provides the body with complex carbohydrates and fiber. 

It is best consumed in small portions alongside other nutrient-rich foods like vegetables.

4. Gluten-free rice

If you have celiac disease, Jasmine rice should not harm your health. That’s because it is naturally gluten-free. However, you must be sure your rice dish was made without any gluten ingredients.

5. Jasmine rice is packed with vitamins and minerals

Jasmine rice has an abundance of vitamins and minerals, such as thiamin, niacin, and vitamin B6. It also contains minerals like manganese, phosphorus, and potassium, which can help you lose weight faster. 

Can Jasmine rice make you gain weight?

Yes, you can gain weight by eating the white variety of Jasmine rice.

White Jasmine rice is a high-carbohydrate food (43.7 grams of carbs per cup of cooked rice), and consuming too many carbs can lead to weight gain. 

Also, remember that the number of calories in White Jasmine rice may vary based on how it is prepared.

For instance, adding butter or oil to rice can increase its calorie content. Likewise, rice fried or cooked in coconut milk may also be higher in calories. 

Focusing more on low-carbohydrate foods, such as vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains, is advisable. And, of course, be sure to stay active and exercise regularly. 

Also, eat brown Jasmine rice instead. It is less processed than white rice and retains the nutrients your body needs to lose weight.


Is Jasmine rice bad for a diet?

No, it’s not. However, whole grain varieties of Jasmine rice support dieting more than white Jasmine rice.

Is brown Jasmine rice less fattening?

Yes, it is less fattening than its white counterpart. A one-quarter cup serving of brown Jasmine rice has 160 calories, 0 cholesterol, and 1g of fat. Overall, it is healthier to consume and nutrient-packed. 

Is Jasmine rice better than basmati rice for weight loss?

No. Basmati rice has a lower glycemic index, and more complex fiber and sugars. As a result, it provides bulk and aids digestion and weight loss.


Jasmine rice is long-grain rice commonly used in sushi rolls or as a side dish to accompany stir-fried meats or vegetables.

It contains complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and several vitamins and minerals that help you feel full and replenished after eating. 

If you want to lose weight, brown Jasmine rice can be a valuable part of your weight-loss diet. In all you do, always remember to eat moderately. 

Thank you for reading.

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