How Many Ribeyes Can You Get From A Cow?

If you are a meat lover, you must have tried different varieties or cuts of beef. I guess you also wonder how many ribeyes are found in a cow.

A cow holds between 24 – 25 ribeye, which can be cut into 9 or 12 ribeye steaks. Also, it holds 12 sirloin steaks, 12 round steaks, 28 t-bone steaks, and two briskets.

In this article, I will talk about ribeye steak, where it is cut from a cow, how to make the best ribeye steak, and how to store it.

Overview of ribeye steak

The ribeye or the rib eye steak is a meat cut gotten from the rib section of a cow. This location falls between rib six and rib twelve.

It is one of the most popular cuts of steaks in the world, served not only in restaurants but also at backyard barbecue gatherings.

While it is mostly known as ribeye steak, it is also called other names around the world. Some of these names include entrecote, Dominican steak, scotch fillet, Spencer steak, and beauty steak.

Ribeye steak is particularly valued highly because of its juiciness and tenderness, which comes from its marbling. It may be cut with bone (bone-in ribeye) or without bone (bone-less ribeye).

The major difference between these two types of ribeye is the price, taste, and texture. With the bone-in is classified as a much better choice since the bone adds to its flavor.

Nutritional information on ribeye steak

According to the US Department of Agriculture, 4 ounce (100 grams) serving of grilled ribeye steak contains;

  • Calories: 291
  • Protein: 24g
  • Fat: 22g
  • Cholesterol: 80mg
  • Sodium: 54mg
  • Potassium: 260mg

It also contains calcium, saturated fat, trans fat, cobalamin, magnesium, iron, and vitamins B6, C & D.

How many ribeyes are in a cow?

A whole cow has about 24 – 28 ribeyes, depending on the size of the cow.

How much meat does a ribeye yield?

A ribeye steak yields between 9 – 12 pounds, which is around 4000 – 4500 grams. It is between 1 to 1½ inches thick in size.

When a steak is cooked, it loses about 25% of its weight. That means, when a ribeye is cooked, it should yield between 7 – 10 pounds of steak.

What does ribeye steak taste like?

The best way to describe the taste of ribeye steak is rich, buttery, and beefy. This is a result of the marbling which renders the juice in it and increases the flavor richly.

How to store ribeye steak

The best way to store ribeye steak is in the refrigerator or freezer. Ribeye steak can stay refrigerated for three days and frozen for two months.

How can you make the perfect ribeye steak?

The best way to cook your steak is by grilling or baking it in the oven. Below is a step-by-step guide to making the perfect steak all the time.

Here are the ingredients and equipment needed:

  • Ribeye steak
  • Oil (olive or vegetable)
  • Kosher salt
  • Pepper
  • Butter
  • Instant-read food thermometer
  • Aluminum foil

For grilling method

Step 1: Allow steak to come to room temperature

Remove your steak from the refrigerator and allow it to sit for about 30 – 40 minutes. If your steak is frozen, place it in the refrigerator overnight so it defrosts before allowing it to sit at room temperature.

Step 2: Rub and season the steak

Rub oil (olive or vegetable oil) on the entire surface of the steak. Afterward, season with kosher salt and pepper, this way, the seasoning sticks to the steak and not to the grill.

Step 3: Fire up the grill

Set the grill to a cooking temperature of 375°F.

Step 4: Brine the steak

While the grill heats, brine and season the steak with the seasoning for 10 to 15 minutes.

Step 5: Grill the steak

Once the grill heats, place the steak on it and allow it to cook to the required cooking temperature.

The US Department of Agriculture recommends that all steak be cooked to at least 145°F, this should take around 7 minutes per side.

Use the meat read thermometer to ensure that it reaches this temperature.

Step 6: Remove steak and pat with butter

Remove the steak from the grill and brush or rub it with butter for more taste. Afterward, wrap the entire steak with aluminum foil so the taste and heat remain trapped inside.

Step 7: Allow to rest

Allow the steak to rest for at least 10 minutes before you cut into it. This gives the juices time to circulate back all over the steak.

Step 8: Serve and enjoy

Slice your steak against the grain and enjoy it with your favorite side dish.

For oven method

Step 1: Rub the steak with oil

After allowing the steak to sit for 20 – 30 minutes at room temperature. Rub the entire steak with oil, either olive or vegetable oil.

Step 2: Fire up the oven

Preheat the oven to a cooking temperature of 400°F.

Step 3: Heat a cast iron pan

While the oven preheats, heat a large cast iron pan at medium heat. Then, add the steak to the pan and heat until it is brown on each side; this should take around 2 minutes.

Step 4: Put the ribeye steak in the oven

Place the pan in the oven and cook further till it reaches the required temperature. This should take between 11 to 15 minutes. You can use the read thermometer for a more accurate reading.

Step 5: Rub with butter

Take the steak out of the oven and rub butter on it, ensuring you cover all edges. Then, wrap the steak with aluminum foil.

Step 6: Allow to rest

Allow the steak to rest for a bit before you serve, and enjoy it with your favorite side dish.

Extra tips for cooking ribeye steak

  • If you are using frozen steak, ensure you thaw it in the fridge a night before you commence cooking.
  • Use healthier forms of oil, such as olive or canola oil.
  • Do not press the steak while it is on the grill.
  • Always use the meat thermometer to confirm it reaches the required temperature to avoid undercooked steak.


What happens to the cap of fat on the ribeye steak?

The fat cap usually melts into the steak when cooking.

Why is ribeye steak so expensive?

This particular cut of steak is expensive because of its unique juiciness and tenderness.

Are ribeye and brisket cut from the same part of a cow?

No, they are not. The ribeye is cut from the rib section just like the name implies. The brisket, on the other hand, is cut from the pectoral or chest region of a cow.

Is ribeye steak healthy?

Yes, it is. Ribeye steak is a very healthy cut of beef as it contains tons of nutrients that your body needs.

Conclusion: How many ribeyes are in a cow?

A cow holds around 24 – 28 ribeyes, which can be cut into around 9 – 10 ribeye steaks, each weighing between 9 – 12 pounds. You can follow the guide in this article to get the best-tasting ribeye steak.

Thank you for reading this article.

if you enjoyed reading this article, check Millenora for more articles on beef cuts.