How Many Calories Are In A Pound Of Bacon?

Bacon is a go-to breakfast meal for a majority of American homes, even for those on diets. However, one question that is often asked is, how many calories are in a pound of bacon?

According to the US Department of Agriculture, a pound (453.6 grams) of bacon contains 2454 calories. These calories are broken down into 89% fat, 10% proteins, and 1% carbohydrates.

If you want to know more about bacon, its nutritional value, its health benefits, and if it is keto-friendly, then read on.

Overview on bacon

Bacon is a salted and cured meat that is obtained from the belly or back of a pig. It can be served on its own or incorporated into other dishes, such as; eggs, sandwiches, soups, salad, and even maple bacon ice cream.

The meat is first soaked in salt, nitrates, and sometimes sugar, then it is smoked (although not all brand of bacon is smoked). About one-third of it is fat, which contributes greatly to the taste of bacon.

It can be eaten raw and cooked, but cooked bacon is healthier. This is because, when cooked, much of the fat is rendered out into the water but can be poured out, if need be.

There are different varieties of bacon all around the world. In the US, bacon is gotten from the belly of a pig. It is fattier and is distinguished by a layer of fat running down the rind.

In the United Kingdom, bacon is gotten from the back of a pig and is often called Canadian, rasher, or Irish bacon. This particular type of bacon is likened to the taste of ham.

What does bacon taste like?

However, the taste may vary depending on the breed of pig, what it feeds on, how it is cut, and the curing method used. However, the taste is best described as a combination of salty, sweet, fatty, and sometimes smoky.

What are the various varieties of bacon?

Although the most common is the regular no-frills bacon, you can find other flavors or varieties in some grocery stores. Some of these flavors include apple, maple, and mesquite.

In addition, there are low-fat and low-sodium bacon varieties. Also, bacon can be made from other animals such as turkey bacon which is a leaner variety.

How many calories are in a slice of bacon?

One pound of bacon contains 2454 calories, according to the US Department of Agriculture. That means a slice of bacon contains 37.8 calories, considering that a pound of bacon can be cut into 12 slices.

Nutritional information on bacon

According to the US Department of Agriculture, the following is the nutritional information on one pound (453.6 gram) serving of bacon.

  • Calories: 2454
  • Fat: 191g
  • Protein: 168g
  • Cholesterol: 499mg
  • Sodium: 7,782.2mg
  • Potassium: 2,562.8mg
  • Carbohydrate: 6.4g
  • Saturated fat: 64g

It also contains iron, calcium, magnesium, cobalamin, and vitamins B6 & D.

Is bacon healthy?

If taken moderately, bacon can be a healthy part of your diet. The following are the health benefits of eating bacon;

1. Boost brain energy

Bacon provides six of the eight vitamin B nutrients which are vital for brain energy. Getting an adequate amount of these vitamin B nutrients is also crucial for preventing deficiency.

2. Contains heart-healthy acids

Bacon is rich in fat. Since most of this fat is monosaturated, it means that the fat contains a high amount of oleic acid. This oleic acid plays a very important role in maintaining heart health.

3. Improves vitamin D absorption

Study shows that people with a diet containing bacon show a significant increase in vitamin D absorption. This vitamin D also helps you feel satisfied, reducing your overall intake and aiding weight control as well.

Are there any side effects to eating bacon?

Only if eaten in excess proportion. Excess intake of bacon may lead to weight gain, so it is best to watch your portion sizes.

So, why do you have allergies to bacon?

Although it is not common, there are still cases of allergies reported. The CDC states that bacon allergies can occur at any stage in life and are termed alpha-gal syndrome (AGS).

Alpha-gal syndrome or tick-bit meat allergy is a severe life-threatening allergic reaction. It occurs when you eat food that has been exposed to other alpha-gal products.

The symptoms may include rash, stomach cramps, hives, headache, running nose, sneezing, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. In rare cases, it may lead to a medical condition known as anaphylaxis.

Anaphylaxis is a potentially life-threatening reaction that requires immediate medical attention.

Also, in some cases of allergies, it is caused by overcooking the bacon. This may cause the nitrates used in preserving the bacon to turn to nitrosamine, which can lead to hives and headaches.

Is bacon keto-friendly?

Yes, it is. Since bacon contains a low amount of carbohydrates and sugar, it is a popular and healthy choice for ketogenic, paleo, and low-carb diets.

The keto diet recommends 20 – 50 grams of carbohydrates; since a slice contains only 0.2g, you’re good to go. However, you should avoid store-bought bacon because the packages indicate that they contain added sugar which may be carbs.

Is all bacon gluten-free?

Some brand of bacon contains no gluten; however, a few brands contain a low amount. If you are gluten-sensitive, do well to read the ingredients outlined on the package to be sure it is gluten-free.

What is the best way to store bacon?

The best way to store bacon is unopened in the refrigerator or the freezer. It can be kept for five days in the refrigerator and four months in the freezer.

Leftover bacon can also last between 4 – 5 days in the refrigerator and up to a month in the freezer.


How many calories are in one bacon and egg sandwich?

A bacon and egg sandwich carries 344 calories. Where 49% is fat, 29% is carbohydrates, and 22% is protein.

How many slices of bacon is too much for a weight loss diet?

Any amount above four slices will do your weight loss diet no good.

How many calories are in McDonald’s bacon egg McMuffin?

A plate of McDonald’s Bacon and Egg McMuffin contains 310 calories, along with 14g of fat, 16g of protein, and 29g of carbohydrates.

Is the fat in bacon dangerous?

Not particularly. The fat in bacon is monounsaturated, and if you have fears about it, you can pour out the water when you cook the bacon.

Do two slices of bacon contain too much sodium for you?

No, they do not. Two average slices of bacon hold around 376mg of sodium. Since the recommended daily limit is 2300mg, you’re still on the safe side.


A pound serving of fried or baked bacon contains 2454 calories. It also contains other nutrients that your body and brain require for optimal performance.

However, portion sizes matter. Eat 1 to 2 slices a day to maintain a healthy diet.

I’ll also recommend that you learn about the calorie content in indulging desserts like carrot cake and banana bread to help you make informed meal choices.

Thank you for reading this article.