Do You Know You Can Freeze These 20 Foods?

There are foods you can freeze and there are some that you should not. However, it all depends on the method of preservation required.

Preserving or storing foods at home requires no technical know-how. It is an innate intuition and default attitude that every individual can exhibit as long as the individual detests wasting food.

All foods require storing and preservation but not all food is stored the same way. Some foods are best kept in humid temperatures, while some require cold temperatures.

Also, some are best stored in barns, some in lockers, some in fridges, and some using chemicals.

In recent times, the freezer is popularly used to preserve all kinds of foods. There are however some foods that you thought you could not freeze. Shocking? Let me show you some of these foods.

1. Eggs

One food you did not know you could freeze is the egg. Strange right? Eggs can be refrigerated be it raw i.e. before their shell is cracked. When cracked, it can put poured out into a suitable bag before putting it into the fridge.

2. Butter

Only a few people know about freezing butter. Butter will not spoil when frozen rather the cold temperature in the freezer preserves it better. If you’re worried about using frozen butter, do not worry. It will melt properly.

However, you should bring out the butter hours before you need it.

3. Buttermilk

Another food you did not know you can freeze is buttermilk. Buttermilk can be frozen for up to three months without losing its context and texture, taste, and quality.

Just give the buttermilk a decent shake and empty it into an ice-solid shape plate by the tablespoon. Whenever they are frozen, pop the blocks into a ziplock plastic cooler pack.

4. Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is another item that’s easy to freeze since it doesn’t require any additional preparation before putting it into your freezer.

Simply transfer mayonnaise into an airtight container and place it in the back of your freezer where there isn’t much temperature fluctuation (such as near the door).

Mayonnaise can last for up to three months in the freezer before its texture starts changing significantly.

5. Apple pie

Yes, you can freeze apple pie – unbaked and leftovers. To prevent soggy crusts, place your baked pie in a freezer bag and seal it tightly before placing it in the freezer.

When you’re ready to eat it, remove it from the freezer bag. Let it thaw completely before baking at 350°F for about 20 minutes or until it gets hot all the way through.

6. Flour

Storing your flour in the freezer prevents it from getting damaged by insects or pests. Your flour can last for as long as two years in the fridge without losing its quality.

Fortunately, no matter the cold, it does not solidify. This makes it easy to scoop from it anytime you need it. Take note to let it come to room temperature before using the flour to avoid spoiling your broth.

7. Nuts

Are nuts too tough to freeze? No, they are not. Freezing your nuts requires you to get a resealable bag or plastic that can be placed in the fridge.

Placing your nuts in the fridge needs extra caution as you must not put your nut beside any other hard-scented ingredient such as onion because nuts are prone to taking the smell around them over time.

You can assuredly leave your nuts in the freezer for as long as 6 months.

8. Cheese

Cheese is one food many people do not know they can freeze. All types of cheese can be frozen such as Swiss, Cheddar, brick cheese, etc. When cheese is frozen, it becomes hard to slice and the texture might be mealy.

To freeze your cheese, put it in an air-tight pack before placing it in the fridge. But it must be eaten within 6-9 months. You can also grate your cheese before freezing depending on how you want your cheese to appear after freezing.

9. Dates

Dates are one of the oldest food items known to man. They contain potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron — all essential nutrients for good health.

Dates also contain fiber that helps keep your digestive system functioning properly. No serious procedure. Simply put them in a freezer-safe container to freeze.

Although dates will last long if you store them properly at room temperature, freezing helps prevent early spoilage and infestation by maggots, bugs, and insects.

10. Honey

Honey is a delicious sweetener you can add to a variety of dishes. It is also very versatile and works for many different types of recipes.

However, taking honey out of the jar and placing it in the freezer will help preserve its flavor and texture for years to come.

11. Coffee

Coffee is an excellent food item for freezing. It can last for a very long time in the freezer, but it’s best used within 6 months of preservation.

Make sure you have an airtight container if you’re intending to freeze coffee. This will protect your coffee from freezer burn and moisture damage.

12. Onions

Did you go to the market to purchase a basket of onions or do you have a bulb of onion that you used just half of it and you need to preserve the rest? Fear not because onions can be frozen. Irrespective of the type of onions.

You can exclusively freeze onions by setting sliced onions on a material-lined plate and popping it in the cooler. When the onions freeze, move them into cooler compartments or packs.

When you’re ready to use them, scoop out as much as you need. You can also freeze whole onions as they are.

13. Tomatoes

To freeze your tomatoes, you need to thoroughly wash them in clean water. Tomatoes can be frozen with or without peels. To freeze tomatoes with the peels, wash them thoroughly in clean water.

Select the best tomatoes and discard the rotten ones. After washing, place your tomatoes on the cooking sheets and freeze.

To freeze your tomatoes without peels, wash them gently under clean water. Put them in boiled water for about one minute, then place them on cookie sheets and freeze.

14. Croissants

Croissants are best eaten fresh out of the oven. If you happen to have extra croissants on your hands, don’t throw them away.

Instead, keep them frozen until you’re ready to consume them. Before freezing, you can simply put them in plastic wrap. They can be kept in the refrigerator for a long time (but not too long).

15. Fresh strawberry

Fresh strawberries are delicious but also incredibly perishable. They are great in winter when there’s no fresh fruit available, but strawberries are expensive when they’re out of season and in limited supply at grocery stores and farmer’s markets.

The solution? Buy a lot when it’s in abundance and freeze them.

16. Cherries

Cherries are delicious and have many health benefits, but they are only available for a few weeks each year.

To preserve the freshness of cherries, store them in your freezer. You will need to blanch them first, which means you boil them for about 30 seconds with water. Afterward, remove the pits and place them in an airtight plastic bag for freezing.

17. Corn on the cob

To preserve your corn on the cob in the freezer, simply remove the husks and silk from the ears of corn before placing them in a freezer-safe container or baggie. They’ll stay in your freezer for up to three months before losing texture and flavor.

You may even par-boil your corn before freezing it to extend its shelf life even further! Remember that cooking frozen corn takes longer than cooking fresh corn, so keep a watch on it as it cooks.

18. Lasagna

Lasagna is one of the many foods you can freeze. To freeze lasagna, cool it completely, then cut it into squares or rectangles.

Wrap each piece individually in plastic wrap or aluminum foil, then place them all in a freezer bag or container for storage.

19. Ham

What about Ham? Well, Ham is another food item that you can freeze. Just cool it completely first so that no bacteria develops during storage or reheating later on.

Wrap the ham tightly in plastic wrap before putting it into an airtight container or freezer bag for long-term storage; use within two months for best results.

20. Egg salad

Egg salad is one of the foods you can freeze for months. This is an excellent approach to cutting costs on meals. You may prepare a large batch of egg salad and use it for lunches throughout the week.


Can you freeze vegetables?

Yes, you can freeze your vegetables but not all vegetables can be frozen.

Can you freeze milk?

Yes, you can. Although it is not very advisable, freezing milk is the best way to preserve it. Frozen milk becomes grainy after it thaws but you can fix this with a blender.

Freeze milk in small portions you can consume at once. You can also make milk cubes to make it easier to use frozen milk.

Are there any foods you can’t freeze?

Some fats or oils like butter or cream are better not frozen. You shouldn’t also freeze water-based substances like stock and sauces.


It’s always a good idea to have a home freezer. It saves money and time, especially if you have plenty of extra room in the freezer for meat, ice cream, and more. And I have listed a few foods that you can freeze to keep them fresh longer.

However, you should carefully read the information on the packages of foods you buy and follow their freezing instructions.

You should also use the freezer storage times advised and write the freezing date on the plastic bags or containers with a permanent marker or a calendar date stamp.

I hope you found this list of foods you can freeze helpful. Thanks for reading. You should also find out if you can freeze all kinds of salads.