Does Rice Make Your Belly Fat? [A Must Read]

Although rice is consumed in various civilizations as a staple diet, some people are still concerned that it may cause weight gain, especially belly fat.

There are claims that overconsumption of rice can lead to an accumulation of fat and obesity, in some cases.

In this article, you’ll get a comprehensive insight into how rice affects belly fat and how to pick the best rice to avoid belly fat.

What is belly fat?

Belly fat, or abdominal adiposity, is fat accumulation around the abdomen. It’s often referred to as “beer belly,” “pot belly,” or “love handles.” A lousy diet, a lack of exercise, or hereditary difficulties can all contribute to it.

While some amount of body fat is essential for survival, too much belly fat can lead to various health problems, including increasing your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic conditions.

Belly fat can take the form of other types of fat in the body (subcutaneous fat or visceral), and it’s important to understand the difference.

Fat that can be seen and squeezed with your fingertips is referred to as subcutaneous fat.

Visceral fat, on the other hand, is the belly fat that surrounds your organs, accumulates in your abdomen, and is more difficult to see.

It’s also the most dangerous type of fat because it’s linked to chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce belly, and including brown rice in your diet is one of them.

Does rice make your belly fat?

Yes, it does. Rice is a good source of fiber, which helps to keep you feeling full and can help reduce your overall calorie intake. Rice’s nutrients can also boost your metabolism and lower your body fat percentage.

Eating rice can lead to weight gain and an increase in visceral fat if it’s consumed in large amounts.

One study found that people who ate more than five servings of white rice per week were more likely to be overweight than those who ate less.

The same study also found that eating brown rice didn’t have the same effect on weight gain. People who ate brown rice had a lower risk of being overweight.

So, if you’re looking to lose weight or reduce your belly fat, it’s best to limit your rice intake or switch to brown rice instead.

Tips for reducing belly fat

In addition to limiting your rice intake, you can make other lifestyle changes to reduce your belly fat, as stated below:

Exercise your body

Exercise is an excellent strategy to burn calories, enhance your general health, and reduce visceral fat. On most days of the week, try to get in 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise.

Regular exercise is essential for overall health and can help to reduce visceral fat.

Eating a healthy diet

A diet high in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein can help you lose weight and reduce your body fat percentage. Avoid sugary beverages and processed meals because they are high in calories and can lead to weight gain. 

Adopt a healthy lifestyle

Alcohol can cause you to add weight, especially abdominal fat. Limit yourself to just one serving of alcohol every day. Also, quit smoking. Smoking is linked to an increased risk of visceral fat.

Reduce stress

Stress can cause weight gain as well as an increase in visceral fat. Think of ways to relax and go for it. Getting enough sleep can also help you lose weight. 

Will you lose belly fat if you avoid rice?

No, not necessarily.

Cutting out rice completely is not the best solution if you’re trying to lose weight or reduce your belly fat.

Instead, concentrate on eating a balanced diet that includes a range of foods in moderation, including rice. Also, make sure you get enough exercise. 

Will eating rice at night make you gain weight?

No, it’s unlikely that eating rice at night will increase your weight. However, it’s best eaten earlier in the day to avoid indigestion.

Also, if you’re eating a lot of rice and not getting enough exercise, you may be more likely to gain weight. 

So, if you’re trying to lose weight or reduce your belly fat, it’s important to focus on eating a healthy diet and getting enough exercise. 

How much rice should you eat a day to lose weight?

If you need only 120 calories a day to maintain your weight, you can consume about 1/2 cup of cooked rice and still be within your calorie needs. If otherwise, you may need to eat 1/4 cup or less. 


Should you stop eating rice to lose weight?

No, you don’t have to exclude rice from your diet; doing that will only cheat you of the nutrient it should supply to your body. Reduce your daily intake of rice, and you’ll be fine.

When is the ideal time to consume rice if you’re trying to lose weight?

Lunchtime. Avoid eating rice late at night or close to bedtime, as this can lead to indigestion and make it harder to sleep.

What are the side effects of rice of consuming rice in large quantities?

Eating more rice than you should every day, may increase sugar levels and promote weight gain and lethargy.


So, does rice make your belly fat? Yes, rice can lead to weight gain and abdominal fat accumulation if you eat it in excess. As a result, if you wish to decrease belly fat, you should limit your rice consumption. 

Other lifestyle modifications, such as eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly, can also aid in the reduction of belly fat.

Thank you for reading.

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