Can You Milk A Horse? [Not Everyone Knows This]

If you have never thought about the possibility of getting milk from a horse, I have. As awkward as it sounds, you can get milk from a horse.

It’s almost impossible to picture a scene where a person is hand-milking a horse. Well, you’re about to see its possibility.

Horses are social, domesticated animals known for their strength and swiftness. They are used for transportation and riding – pleasure and sports. That is one of the reasons why you can’t bring yourself to think about getting milk from a horse.

Perhaps you saw a farmer do something that looked like milking a horse, and you want to confirm the possibility. Keep reading to see what you want to know.

Can you milk a horse?

Yes, you can. Mares – female horses – produce milk for their foals called mare milk.

Although it is not so common in Western regions, milking mares has been a thing in Central Asia and Russia.

As far back as the 19th century, mare milk was used for healing inflammatory diseases, anemia, tuberculosis, and diabetes. Today, mare’s milk has gone beyond Central Asia and is becoming a matter of interest in other parts of the world.

Can humans drink horse milk?

Yes, they can. Mare milk is nutritious milk that humans can enjoy.

It is rich in calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins (A, B, C & D). As mentioned earlier, mare milk has been a staple for many years in Asia where people drank it for its healing properties.

Furthermore, mare milk can be used to make cheese by adding camel rennet to the milk. Mare milk has more albumin, more lactose, and less fat when compared to cow milk.

Another unique fact about mare milk is its similarity in composition that it shares with human milk, making it a good choice of milk for preparing some baby formula.

Additionally, mare milk has shown fewer cases of allergic reactions. It is also preferred over cow milk, especially for people who cannot tolerate dairy milk.

However, horse milk is not widely available because of the challenges around its production.

What does horse milk taste like?

Horse milk tastes like diluted cow milk with a nutty flavor like almond milk. While it tastes like diluted cow milk, you may find it a little sweeter than cow milk.

Why is horse milk not common?

Horse milk is not a popular type of milk because:

  • Horses are not meant for milking
  • Horses can only produce a small amount of milk at a time. Therefore, you’ll need to milk them frequently to get enough milk
  • Moreover, they have a short lactation period
  • There are not many horses compared to the population of cows
  • It’s not very nutritious
  • Mare milk is expensive
  • It’s not easy to milk horses because of their short teats

Is horse milk good for lactose intolerance?

No, it is not.

Mare milk contains high amounts of lactose, even more lactose than is in cow milk. Therefore, it is not good for people with lactose intolerance.

Benefits of drinking horse milk

Some of the benefits of drinking mare’s milk include:

It is nutritious

Mare milk contains a good amount of vitamins and minerals. Moreover, it has more vitamins and minerals than cow milk.

This milk also has fewer calories and less fat content than cow milk, which is healthy for humans.

It is easily digestible

Mare milk has a low casein content, which makes it easily digestible by humans of all ages. It also has antibacterial properties that help to balance the gut flora and minimize the frequency of indigestion, constipation, and bloating.


Drinking a mare’s milk helps to remove toxins from the body, thereby keeping you healthy. It is a natural detoxifier that increases immunity and improves your overall wellness.

Good for skin

Mare milk can help treat eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis. You can make a DIY treatment with mare milk, coconut oil, and aloe gel.

Apply the mixture regularly to the affected skin area for relief. In addition, using mare’s milk over time can help maintain even skin tone.

Mare milk is good for the bones

Mare milk contains a good dose of minerals that are beneficial for bone strength. It helps to maintain bone density and prevent osteoporosis and other bone-related diseases.

Blood pressure reduction

Drinking horse milk is a natural preventive measure for heart disease. It aids vasodilation by reducing tension in blood vessels while blood flows through. As a result, it lowers blood pressure and prevents stroke, atherosclerosis, and heart attack.

How to milk a horse by hand

Follow these simple and easy steps to collect milk from a horse using your hands:

  • Ask someone who has experience with horses to hold the mare’s head
  • Wash your hands clean
  • Also, clean the mare’s udder with warm water to prevent any contamination
  • After, you can begin milking
  • Place a clean, wide bowl under the udder
  • Milk one teat at a time. Hold one of the teats between your thumb and forefinger
  • Gently push the test up to mimic a foal sucking at it
  • Then, squeeze the teat and pull it down gently
  • You should see milk come down from the udder
  • Repeat the push, squeeze and pull until you have collected enough milk
  • However, do not milk the mare dry


Can horse milk be poisonous?

Horse milk should not be poisonous if you have milked the horse hygienically. Also, make sure you store the milk properly before you drink it.

Do male horses produce milk?

No, they do not. Male horses do not produce milk.

Does horse milk taste like cow milk?

No, it does not. Cow milk has a nutty flavor that tastes like almond or soy milk.

Is horse milk better than cow milk?

Horse milk is as nutritious as cow milk but has a low-fat content.

It is rich in carbs, proteins (whey proteins and exogenous amino acids), vitamins (A, B, C, D & E), calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals.

If you can drink mare’s milk, good for you. It is one milk with a balanced calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, and the calcium is evenly absorbed into the body.


Although it may sound strange, you can milk a horse. Mare milk does not taste bad, as people may assume.

Although it is not as thick as cow’s or human milk, it tastes good. Moreover, it contains more nutrients than cow milk. It is also less fatty.

But, as you know, mare milk is not as common as dairy milk and plant-based milk. And this is because of logical reasons like the low population of horses compared to cattle.

Besides, there are healthier alternatives to mare milk. But if you get mare’s milk, you can drink it.

Thanks for reading.

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