Can You Drink Condensed Milk? [Definition, Pros & Cons]

Yes, you can drink condensed milk. So, you don’t feel too guilty about scooping condensed milk straight into your mouth. However, it is not advisable to drink it alone. Be mindful of how much of it you lick and how much you add to any recipe.

It takes a lot of skill to resist the temptation to scoop this milk into your mouth. And kids love to do this.

Condensed milk or sweetened condensed milk, as it is often called, is a staple in many homes. You’ll always find one in homes where they eat a lot of pudding, fudge, and Dulce de Leche.

So, if you still have any doubts about drinking condensed milk on your diet and how to use it, you should read this article for more clarity.

What is condensed milk?

Condensed milk is a viscous, sticky, creamy, super sweet, syrupy milk. It is made by removing water and adding more sugar to regular milk. It also goes through pasteurization to make it shelf-stable.

Condensed milk is commonly used for making desserts like puddings, fudges, and ice cream. Another common way of using condensed milk is adding it to baked goods like cakes, bread, and cookies.

Cans of condensed milk are available in grocery stores and supermarkets. But, you can also make homemade condensed milk as a way of preserving excess milk.

Can you drink condensed milk?

Yes, you can. It’s okay to lick condensed milk off the spoon by itself. It’s even better to use it as a sweetener or thickener in drinks, beverages, and in some recipes.

Can you drink condensed milk on keto?

No. A keto diet does not support foods high in carbohydrates and condensed milk contains a lot of carbs.

However, it doesn’t mean you should completely rule out condensed milk from your keto diet. You can make keto-friendly condensed milk with unsweetened almond milk, heavy cream, and a granulated sweetener.

Can you drink condensed milk when pregnant?

Yes and no. Yes, because condensed milk is pasteurized which makes it safe for pregnant women. No, because it could trigger the onset of type 2 diabetes in women with gestational diabetes.

Generally, pregnant women should take condensed milk in very little quantities or avoid it completely.

Can you drink condensed milk to gain weight?

Yes, it can. Condensed milk is high in sugar and fats which makes it high-calorie milk. Too much consumption of this milk can lead to weight gain.

If you need to gain weight, it could be a good choice of milk. But you will want to be careful and use it sparingly to avoid spiking your sugar levels.

Can you drink condensed milk for bodybuilding?

If you’re not lactose intolerant, you can drink condensed milk as a bodybuilder.

It’s a good choice for mixing your protein shakes. However, some bodybuilders prefer to use skim milk because of its higher protein content.

Nutritional value of condensed milk

According to information from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 100 grams of condensed milk contains:

  • 321 calories
  • 9g fat
  • 8g protein
  • 54g carbohydrates
  • 34mg cholesterol
  • 284mg calcium which is 28% of your daily value (DV)
  • 127mg sodium which is 5% of your DV
  • 371mg potassium which is 10% of your DV
  • 26mg magnesium which is 6% of your DV

Benefits of drinking condensed milk

  • Drinking condensed milk can boost your energy levels
  • It is also rich in calcium which is good for the bones and teeth
  • Moreover, it can help to prevent osteoporosis
  • Condensed milk is good for weight gain
  • It can help restore lost calcium in women after childbirth
  • In addition, it promotes muscle growth and mass

Are there side effects of drinking condensed milk?

Yes, there are. The side effects are avoidable if you drink the milk in small amounts.

Excess consumption of condensed milk will load your body with too many calories. This can cause excessive weight gain and obesity.

Moreover, excess consumption of condensed milk could result in caries, increase bad cholesterol (LDL) levels, and aggravate the symptoms of lactose intolerance.

How to use condensed milk

Here are some of the ways you can use condensed milk:

  • As a sweetener
  • Make a cup of hot chocolate with it
  • Add it to milk preparations like milk kisses, milk sweets, milk toffees, and milk ice cream
  • Drizzle condensed milk over fruit salad
  • Add it to baked goods
  • Make Dulce de Leche
  • Make French toast crunch
  • Sweeten a coffee shake with condensed milk
  • You can also use condensed milk to make a caramel sauce
  • Use condensed milk to sweeten and moisten a tres leches cake
  • Also, condensed milk is a perfect ingredient in puddings, cheesecakes, meringue pies
  • Combine it with desiccated coconut to make macarons
  • In addition, condensed milk makes tasty no-bake hazelnut slices


Can you drink coffee with condensed milk?

Yes, you can. If you need a delicious substitute for coffee creamer or half-and-half, condensed milk is a perfect choice.

Can you eat condensed milk with bread?

Yes, you can. Some people would rather use condensed milk as a spread for bread, as an alternative to honey.

Can you take oatmeal with condensed milk?

Yes, you can. Although condensed milk is more popular with baked goods, coffee and tea, some people would rather change the taste of their breakfast oatmeal with condensed milk.

However, a little condensed milk goes a long way. So, keep in mind that you don’t need as much as you would need for regular evaporated milk.

Is condensed milk gluten-free?

Yes, it is. Every brand of condensed milk is gluten-free. They do not contain wheat, barley, or any other gluten ingredients.


Condensed milk is delicious and rich in nutrients and calories. While it is okay to put some of it in your mouth and lick it, you should not overdo it.

It contains high amounts of sugar, calories, and lactose. Knowing this, you should use this super sweet, creamy milk sparingly.

If you’re looking to lose weight, drink condensed milk in small amounts and not frequently. Also, be careful with it if you are lactose intolerant. However, you can be sure to get the same nutrients you enjoy in regular milk.

Thanks for reading.

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