12 Oz Steak Size, Weight & Cooking Time

A 12 oz steak has a thickness of about 1.25 inches, which is approximately 340 grams in size. They are cut from the loin and average about 1 oz per side.

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the recommended serving of steak is a little above 6 oz (180 grams). Although a serving of steak in restaurants is almost two times larger, that is 12 oz (340 grams).

In this article, I will discuss steak, the average size, how big and thick 12 oz ribeye steaks are, and how long they take to cook. In addition, I will also discuss the size and weight of 10, 12, 14, and 16 oz steak.

How thick is a 12 oz ribeye steak?

The 12-ounce steak is about 1.25 inches and weighs about 340 grams. According to the USDA, a serving of a 12-ounce ribeye steak contains 990 calories, 75g of fat, 82g of protein, and 272.2g of cholesterol.

It also contains 183.7mg of sodium, and 884.5 mg of potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin D, magnesium, cobalamin, calcium, and iron.

How long does it take to cook a 12-ounce ribeye steak?

The cooking time will vary based on the level of doneness required.

  • For rare: cook for two or two and a half minutes on each side.
  • For medium rare: cook for three minutes on each side.
  • For medium: cook for four minutes on each side.
  • For well done: cook for six minutes on each side.

How thick is an 8 oz ribeye steak?

This steak is about half an inch and weighs 226.8 grams. According to the USDA, an 8-ounce ribeye steak contains 544 calories, 42.2g of protein, 0.4g of carbs, and 41.6g of fat.

It also provides 522mg of potassium, 43mg of magnesium, 300mg of phosphorus, 115.2mg of sodium, and 149.2mg of cholesterol. They also contain small amounts of calcium, zinc, iron, copper, and vitamins A, B, D, and K.

How long does it take to cook an 8 oz ribeye steak?

The cooking time varies according to the level of doneness required.

  • For rare: cook for one and a half minutes on each side.
  • For medium rare: cook for two minutes on each side.
  • For medium: cook for two and a half minutes on each side.
  • For well done: cook for four or four and half minutes on each side.

How thick is a 10 oz ribeye steak?

A 10 oz steak is 0.8 inches thick. Although it is not so thick, it weighs 283 grams. According to the USDA, a 10-ounce ribeye steak contains 825 calories, 62g of fat, 68g of protein, 228.6mg of cholesterol, and 153.1mg of sodium.

It also provides 737.1mg of potassium, vitamins A, B6, C, and D, calcium, iron, trans fat, cobalamin, and magnesium. 

How long does it take to cook a 10 oz ribeye steak?

The cooking time will vary with the level of doneness required.

  • For rare: cook for one and a half to two minutes on each side.
  • For medium rare: cook for two and a half minutes on each side.
  • For medium: cook for three or three and a half minutes on each side.
  • For well done: cook for five minutes on each side.

How thick is a 14 oz ribeye steak?

A 14-ounce ribeye steak is 1.4 inches thick and weighs 396.6 grams. According to the USDA, a 14-ounce serving of ribeye steak contains 1076 calories, 75g of fat, 99g of protein, and 309.6g of cholesterol.

It also contains 230.2mg of sodium, 1,107.3mg of potassium, and high levels of vitamin D, vitamin B6, iron, cobalamin, calcium, and magnesium.

How long does it take to cook a 14 oz ribeye steak?

The cooking time varies with the level of doneness you want.

  • For rare: cook for three to three and a half minutes on each side.
  • For medium rare: cook for four minutes on each side.
  • For medium: cook for five or five and a half minutes on each side.
  • For well done: cook for seven minutes on each side.

How thick is a 16 oz ribeye steak?

This is one of the thickest sizes of steak you can find, although they are rare. It is 1.5 inches thick and weighs 463.6 grams. 

According to the USDA, a 16-ounce serving of ribeye steak contains 1,229 calories, 86g of fat, 113g of protein, and 353.8g of cholesterol.

It also contains 263.1mg of sodium, 1,256mg of potassium, and high levels of vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin B6, iron, cobalamin, calcium, and magnesium.

How long does it take to cook a 16 oz ribeye steak?

The cooking time will vary with the doneness level required.

  • For rare: cook for four minutes on each side.
  • For medium rare: cook for five minutes on each side.
  • For medium: cook for six or six and a half minutes on each side.
  • For well done: cook for eight to nine minutes on each side.

How big is a normal-sized steak?

A normal-sized steak weighs around 220 grams and is about half an inch thick, which is roughly the amount of a regular 8-ounce steak. Naturally, an average food eater can eat up to 180 grams of steak.

Most restaurants serve the 340-gram weight steak, which is the same as the 12-ounce steak. This is meant for two or more people because it may be too much for 1 person to eat.

How do you know when the steak is ready?

A meat thermometer is the best for determining the level of doneness of the steak. The thermometer reads the internal temperature and helps to determine doneness.

For instance, the internal temperature for a medium rare steak is 130°F is okay. For medium, cook the steak to 145°F. And for a well-done steak, cook it to an internal temperature of 160°F 

In addition, avoid eating steak that was cooked below 120°F. It can be harmful to your health.

Tips to make your steak juicy and tender

  • Try tenderizing the meat
  • Use a marinade
  • Do not forget to season properly
  • Allow the steak to rest before eating it
  • Make sure it hits the right temperature
  • Slice the meat against the grain.


How long should you let the steak rest before eating?

Eight minutes is ideal. But for larger or thicker cuts, allow the steak to rest for 10 minutes or more.

Is it better to broil or bake steak?

Broiling is a better choice because baking steak takes longer than broiling.

Can you eat 12 oz of steak for weight loss?

No, you can’t.

A 12-ounce steak is loaded with calories and it is not weight-loss friendly. You should try smaller portions like the 8-ounce steak instead.


A 12-ounce steak is about 1.25 inches and weighs 340 grams. The recommended steak intake for one person is around 6 ounces or 180 grams. 

Rare steaks are not recommended as they are considered slightly raw. It is best to cook your steak to an internal temperature between 130°F – 160°F. Anything below 120°F is considered undercooked.

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